
阅读理解。 Courses Meeting your needs We u





     Meeting your needs

     We understand that our students are of different age-groups and abilities, come from different backgrounds

and have different personal and professional reasons for wishing to improve their language skills. Small class

sizes (maximum 10 students) ensure that individual learning needs can be satisfied.

     Confidence-building environment

     Our highly qualified, friendly staff will ensure that when you come on one of our courses, you will be treated

as an individual (个体) and will be provided with the opportunity to learn language skills at a level and pace

which suits you. In this way, you can feel sure that we will enable you to maximize (最佳化) your learning

potential (潜能), while making sure you always feel comfortable and confident to communicate in the language

you have chosen to study.

     Course Length

     There is no fixed course length, as we feel it is important to be flexible (灵活的), in order that students can

decide what period of study suits them best. Providing there is a free time at an apptopriate (适当的) level,

students can come and learn at our school for a period of a week. Why not sign for your first week now? We're

confident you'll be coming back for more!

     Course types

     We offer a full range of group and one to one courses, at all ability levels. Most of our courses are taught

in-house at our school in Richmond however we can also organise in-house training for your organization. We

offer a range of full time General English courses, English exam courses leading to a recognized qualification

(资格),Business English courses, special English Summer courses and a wide range of Foreign Languages.

Please note that the minimum age for students on all our group courses is 16, younger learners are taught via

individual one to one tuition.

1. In what way can the course meet the needs of individuals? [ ]

A. There is no fixed course length.

B. There are no more than 10 students in a class.

C. Students will be provided with the opportunity to learn language skills at a level and pace.

D. They will be provided with the opportunity to learn language skills at a level and pace.

2. How will the students build up their confidence in the course? [ ]

A. Students will be provided with the opportunity to learn language skills at a level and pace and feel

     comfortable and confident to communicate in the language they have chosen to study.

B. They will leam the language they choose very easily with the help of the teacher.

C. The course will be easy for all kinds of students and so they can be sure they are successful.

D. The.students feel the course is flexible and so they like it.

3. Students can go to the course any time available (合适的), because _____. [ ]

A. they will provide the course all the time

B. the length of the course is not fixed and you can go to the course any time that suits you

C. the first part of the course is very easy and you needn't go there every day

D. the lessons can be repeated later

4. What's the purpose of writer in writing the passage? [ ]

A. To introduce some courses of lessons suitable for students of all levels.

B. To introduce how to build students' confidence.

C. To tell us no fixed course length suits students best since it is important to be flexible.

D. To tell us how to find a course that suits us.


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题型:问答题 案例分析题

中 * * * * 习 * * 在履新不到一月之际辗转深圳、珠海、佛山、广州等地,考察改革新区、参观特色企业、走访百姓人家、邀基层人士座谈,屡屡向外界发出“中国的改革开放将不会停顿和止步”的强烈信号。习 * * 强调,我国改革已经进入攻坚期和深水区,进一步深化改革,必须坚定信心、凝聚共识、统筹谋划、协同推进。要勇于冲破思想观念的障碍和利益固化的藩篱,敢于啃硬骨头,敢于涉险滩。要尊重人民首创精神,在深入调查研究的基础上提出全面深化改革的顶层设计和总体规划,尊重实践、尊重创造,鼓励大胆探索、勇于开拓,聚合各项相关改革协调推进的正能量。

