
阅读理解。 Do you think you are smart? If yo




     Do you think you are smart? If you are not sure, You Are Smarter Than You Think by an American

teacher Thomas Armstrong will tell you: you are smart in some way.

     To show this, Thomas tells the story of his life. When he was little, he did badly at school and was

sent down a year. But later on, he found he was good at writing. He worked hard and became a writer

and teacher.

     Being smart does not just mean being good at school tests. There are many other ways to be smart.

Thomas Armstrong says there are different types of intelligence: music, sports, space, getting on with

people, being able to understand yourself, and being good at natural history.

     Every child has any one of these intelligences. The point is how to find them and make use of them.

     Each child comes into the world with some talent (天赋). If the child is helped, he can do better in

our world.

     Parents and teachers must help the child to keep those gifts. Thomas says a good way to build these

intelligences at home or school is story-telling.

     If you want to be friendly with other people, you can prepare a story and put on a play before other

people. It is the same with musical intelligence, since you can make the lyrics (歌词) of a song!

     If you want to know more about ways to be smart, write to You Are Smarter Than You Think at


1. Thomas Armstrong thinks that _____.

A. he's much smarter than anyone else

B. everyone can be smart in some way

C. smart children are good at school tests

D. people who are smart are hard-working

2. As a young boy, Thomas Armstrong _____.

A. knew about types of intelligence

B. was rather poor at school tests

C. wished to be a writer and teacher

D. got on well with other people

3. Which of the following can help build children's intelligences?

A. School Tests.

B. Song lyrics.

C. Natural history.

D. Story-telling.

4. The text is most probably _____.

A. a web advertisement

B. a science report

C. a book introduction

D. a touching story

5. What can be the best title for the text?

A. Practice makes perfect

B. No pains, no gains

C. You can all be clever kids

D. One is not too old to learn


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