
If you find you spend more than you mak



If you find you spend more than you make, there are only two things to do: decrease your spending or (1) . It’s often easiest to decrease expenditures, because your expenses tend to be more (2) . There are as many ways to (3) as there are people looking to save it. For example, you may pool your resources with friends, or (4) only during sales, or even live more simply. But (5) that saving money should not necessarily be an end in itself. Don’t (6) of ways to save a dime, and don’t get upset about situations where (7) to spend money. The goal is to bring your budget into balance, not to become a tightwad who keeps (8) of every penny and feels that spending money is a (9) . It is important to remember that budgets may be (10) not only by decreasing expenditures, but also by increasing income. (11) to increase income is to get a (12) if you don’t already have one.
Many students work during college. Although working adds to the (13) you will face, it does not mean that your grades will necessarily suffer. In fact, many students who work (14) than those who don’t work, because those with jobs need to be (15) . Considering part-time work is often a better (16) for dealing with budget shortfalls, than taking out a loan. Because student loans are (17) , it’s easy to use them as a crutch. Loans can be of help (18) or if you couldn’t afford to attend a college without them. If you do (19) , remind yourself: one day soon you’ll have to (20) with interest.


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参考答案:D解析:[详解] 如果切尔维亚科夫A小心谨慎、做事认真,或者B个人修养特别好,懂礼貌,也就不至于造成悲剧;如果他C善于讨好巴结上司那更不会造成悲剧,正因为他的D性格被扭曲、迂腐、胆小,所以一个小...



取一个100 mL的大量筒,先后收集20 mL CH4和80 mL Cl2,进行实验。



             性和                 性。

(2)下列常用的干燥剂中,不能干燥氯气的是            。            




D.碱石灰(3)氯气是          色的有毒气体,实验中剩余的氯气可用NaOH溶液吸收,请写出发生的离子方程式:                                            


(5)若量筒中的甲烷和氯气的量比较大,放在光亮的地方足够长的时间,下方水槽中的现象是_________________________________,产生此现象的原因是:_____                                          _____________________             (用简要的文字和方程式说明)。
