
律师出具法律意见书和律师工作报告所使用的语句,不得使用的措辞是( )。 A.完全符



律师出具法律意见书和律师工作报告所使用的语句,不得使用的措辞是( )。






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                                             The Singapore Flyer
    The Singapore Flyer, opened in 2008, is the world's highest ferris wheel (摩天轮)
with a height of 165 meters (about the height of a 42-floor building) . It can bring
you a truly exciting experience at every turn. You can enjoy the beauty of the city
from it.
                                                 Top Car Race
    The world's first F1 night race, which is special, comes to Singapore this
September! The 5.067-kilometre track (车道) runs through some of the hottest      
places in the city.
                                           The Marina Bay Sands
    Opening in 2009, the Marina Bay Sands will be Singapore's first integrated resort
(综合风景区), including exhibition halls, a shopping center, restaurants, hotels,
entertainment halls and other exciting places.
                                          Resorts World, Sentosa
    Opening in 2010, Resorts World has a lot of interesting places to visit, including
the Southeast Asia's very first Universal Studios Theme Park, the world's largest
aquarium and six top hotels.
1. Which is NOT true about the Singapore Flyer?
[ ]
A. It is the highest ferris wheel in the world.
B. It is about 42 meters high.
C. It was opened in 2008.
D. You can see the beautiful city from it.
2. F1 race is special because it'll be held _________.
[ ]
A. in the night
B. in Singapore
C. in September
D. through the city's hottest places
3. The Marina Bay Sands may open in the year of ________.
[ ]
A. 2007
B. 2008
C. 2009
D. 2010
4. We know ________ kinds of interesting places in Resorts World from the passage.
[ ]
A. two
B. three
C. four
D. five
5. Which is the right order according to the time they open? 
    a. The Marina Bay Sands      b. Resorts World
    c. Top Car Race                  d. The Singapore Flyer
[ ]
A. d-c-a-b
B. d-a-b-c
C. a-b-d-c
D. d-a-b-c