
执行以下程序段,并输入1.23,则程序的输出结果应是 【15】 。 N=Str(In



执行以下程序段,并输入1.23,则程序的输出结果应是 【15】 。 N=Str(InputBox(“请输入一个实数:”)) p=IiaStr(N,".") Print Mid(N,p)


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参考答案:对解析: 公安机关的权力,是指公安机关为履行职责,依法采取的权威性措施和手段。由于公安机关的权力是在法定职责限度内行使的,并受相应的制约,故又称“公安机关的权限”。故本题说法正确。



      Do you think it difficult to learn English?

      If you have a problem speaking English, you can do several things. Listen to English as much as possible.

Learn a poem or a song by heart. And practice speaking with your friends as much as you can.

     Many people find it difficult to understand the listening materials in English. The answer is to listen as much

as you can. However, don't do too much at one time. It is better to practice listening for five minutes every day. Don't sit down and listen for an hour at a time, That's too much. Do choose listening materials that are

interesting and not too difficult. Choose tapes on which people speak clearly and not too fast. Take it easy at

first. Start with simple materials and later on you can practice listening to some difficult materials.

     As for writing, how can you learn to write well? How do you use words like in, on, of and for? There are

two answers to this. First, study new vocabularies. Make a list of new words and phrases, such as look for,

look after and so on. Second, read as much English as possible, and go over the materials many times. Then

you'll be able to use words correctly yourself. So, in order to write well, you must first learn to read much!

1. The meaning of the underlined phrases go over is probably "_______" here in Chinese.

A. 详细注释

B. 认真背诵

C. 仔细检查

D. 仔细琢磨

2. Which is the right way to practice listening according to the passage?

A. Listening for an hour every day.

B. Listening for five minutes every day.

C. Choose tapes on which people speak fast.

D. Listening to difficult materials in the very beginning.

3. According to the last paragraph, if we study a new word "get", what should we do?

A. Practice it many times.

B. Read it five minutes every day.

C. Study it with other new words.

D. Write it as many times as you can.

4. In order to write well, what should you do first?

A. Learn to use.

B. Learn to read

C. Learn to spell

D. Learn to listen.

5. This passage mainly tells us how to improve your ____ skills.

A. listening and reading

B. reading and speaking

C. listening and writing

D. reading and writing
