
. New York Helmsley Hotel New York City,




New York Helmsley Hotel

New York City, NY

KAYAK members are specially offered the New York Helmsmen Hotel, a world – class hotel located in the heart of Midtown Manhattan, within walking distance of Times Square, Grand Central Station and the United Nations, as well as the Theatre District and Rockefeller Center.

Gaylord Palms

Orlando, FL

Gaylord Palms Hotel and Convention Center offers excitement to KAYAK members with world – class restaurants, dynamic on – site recreation, and breathtakingly beautiful gardens under glass. The Gaylord offers great room and food service close to the world’s most trilling places – Disney, Sea World, and Universal.

Affinia Chicago

Chicago, IL

Steps from the Magnificent Mile, the Affinia Chicago is best known for its perfect location at the Windy City’s center of shopping, entertainment, culture and business. Known for its fast pace, famous museums, amazing buildings, and action – packed sporting events, Chicago offers something for every KAYAK member.

The Liaison Capitol Hill, An Af finia Hotel

Washington DC

KAYAK members seeking the typical DC experience are offered the Liaison Capitol Hill. Having a great location on Capitol Hill, The Liaison Capitol Hill is the closest hotel to the U. S. Captiol. The Smithsonian, Union Station and dozens of the country’s most visited museums and monuments are within walking distance.

68.What do these hotels have in common?

A.They are all near shopping center.

B.They are all favorably located.

C.They all have world – class restaurants.

D.They all attract people with their low prices.

69.Which might be the best place for parents with kids to spend their holiday?

A.Orlando, FL               B.Chicago, IL

C.Washington DC              D.New York City, NY

70.If you are interested in museums, which may be your best hotels to stay in?

A.New York Helmsely Hotel and Affinia Chicago.

B.The Liaison Capitol Hill and Gaylord Palms.

C.The Liaison Capitol Hill and Affinia Chicago

D.Gaylord Palms and New York Helmsley Hotel.


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在梵文里,“avatar”一词具有“经过深思熟虑并且出于特殊目的而从较高境界降临”的含义。通俗地说, (71) 。在《阿凡达》一片中,这个词除了人族化身为纳维人这一直译之外,似乎还有另一层含义, (72) 。导演卡梅隆在其原有的意义上赋予了这个英文单词很多项新的附加含义。这,就是创作。

“能量在世间万物中流动着,我们的能量都是借来的,迟早是要还的。”生命的意义就是这么简单,但是生命却因此而变得不孤单。卡梅隆将所有的生命编织成了一个巨大的互联网,人人身上都有一根“光纤”,随时都可以接入“网络”。这样的想象力, (73) 。这,就是创作。

图腾向来都代表着不可侵犯却真实存在的自然力,只不过在大多数的文化作品中,导演都把图腾用一种非常神秘的形式表达出来。片中,纳维人的图腾是一种可以听到、看到甚至直接召唤到的圣母爱娃。卡梅隆的自创式直观表达, (74) 。这,就是创作。

“和而不同”这个词是在2009年才加入到我的词汇库里的,也才让我真正领会到了对人们自控与包容的呼唤。《阿凡达》也是如此,只不过一向喜欢外露的西方人在这方面反倒显得非常含蓄, (75) 才能恍然大悟,原来折衷与中庸之道并不是东方文化的专利,卡梅隆也悟透了“和而不同”的重要性。这一切的一切,就是创作。







