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某网站推出“Who is my angel ?”栏目,以下是有关该栏目中奖者的来信:

A.From Morgan Dunnivan

Hi, I’m 7 years old and my special angel is my mommy. She takes care of me and our house, works with troublesome teens as a volunteer, takes me to gymnastics every week, and works two jobs. My mommy is my best friend and we are angels for each other. She always thinks of others first. I think she should be the Angel Among Us winner. Please pick my mommy. It would be a great Christmas gift for her since I can’t buy her a present.

B.From Michael Allen, Greer Uniontown

Whether I am having a good day or in more cases a really bad day, she never seems to fail me, no matter what the circumstances are. Moreover, she’s by far one of my biggest fans. Mom is a really good-hearted person with a beautiful spirit that always shines through even during my darkest days. She definitely earns her angel wings.

C.From Brianna Callahan, Smock

My special angel is my mother. She is there whenever I need her. In my opinion, she deserves the gift. This gift would surely brighten up her day. She is the one who I can count on to help me or have a hot meal ready for dinner. Moms do that but no one really appreciates them as much as they should be. I just want to make her feel special. There may be a lot of special angels out there, but I think my mom is the only special angel in my heart.

D.From Renee Wheeler, SmithfieldWe have been blessed with an angel in our family. I don’t even know if she knows the number of lives she has touched. She just goes on with her everyday tasks and never even realizes the wonderful love that flows from her every move. She is known by so many different titles, like, mom, aunt, sister, friend, neighbor, etc.

E. From Nicole Baughman, Smock

My special angel is my daddy. He is always there for me. He is a very hard-working man. And I’m proud of him to be my daddy. He loves me very much. He’s the one who gives us our alllowance. He puts food on the table. He is the best daddy in the world. I love him very much. He stands up for us and he cares for all of us. He picks me up because I am still really too short to pick something up.

F. From Sharon Williams, Uniontown

I met my special angel 32 years ago starting my first job. She trained me as a friend. She introduced me to one of her sons to whom I’ve been married for 20 years. She lovingly raised seven children, and after retiring helped to raise a grandchild who is now in college. Living next door she was always there to help with our two sons, babysitting, fixing them snacks, or teaching them how to make peanut butter and banana sandwiches.


56. “I am very happy to get the gift and I am very sorry to seize it from my wife. And I believe that my wife, her mother, does better than me.”

57. “As my son says, this is the best present he can afford for me. I am proud of him to ‘buy’ me the valuable gift when he is so young.”

58. “I am very happy to have the honor. I think I should thank my children, my relatives, my friends, my neighbors and so on.”

59. “I’m very happy that my daughter-in-law gives me so high a prize. But I think it is my duty to take care of my sons and my grandchildren.”

60. “I never imagined that my favorite star would give me such a high and special honor. I believe that I will still be his fan for ever.”


2003年下半年,被告人白某与湖北A市的个体经营者张某做生意,张某欠下白某货款6000余元。白某向张某多次讨要未成,遂起意扣押人质索要欠款。2004年1月19日,白某邀约了被告人于某和高某,并携带手铐,租乘个体出租车从某县开往A市。途中,白某买了舒乐安定片一盒。1月21日下午白某等人到达A市。白某先到张某家去要钱,未果,即于当晚8时许将张某骗出,与于某和高某将张某挟持到出租车上,后挟持到一宾馆内。在宾馆内,张某极力反抗、呼喊。白某对张某进行了殴打,并私下告诉于某和高某下手要注意,只是要钱,别搞出人命来。于某用酒瓶打了张某头部一下,高某等人用手铐铐住张某的双手。张某继续呼喊,白某又迫使张某吞服舒乐安定2片,并用毛巾将其嘴堵住。在张某昏睡时,白某、高某和于某共同搜身将张某身上的现金1万余元拿走。1月22日中午,张某趁于某外出、白某和高某睡熟的机会,逃出宾馆。但是被外出回来的于某发现,于某追上张某后用匕首向张某胸部猛刺一刀,导致张某死亡。经法医鉴定:死者张某尸体上虽有较多的损伤,且头面部的创伤较重,但这些创伤均不足以导致张某立即死亡,且在性质上属于轻伤(偏重),胸部的创伤是致命伤。 问:本案如何处理
