
Register your accountPlease, pay attenti



Register your account
Please, pay attention to difference of free registration and paid premium(额外费用)account. With free registration at Oxyshare you get access to easy uploading with your favorite FTP client. Your files will remain online for 30 days if there was no request to download. You may upload files at unlimited speed, also you may deliver your data to one email-address. Unlimited disk space and endless amount of file downloads are at your service, too.
In contrast to free registration, premium account increases your rights greatly. Your files remain online three times more — 90 days if there was no request to download. Speed of downloading increases in a few times. E-mail option allows you to deliver files to 100 e-mail addresses.
Prices for premium account vary from $1.99 up to $189.99 according to how long you want the files to be remained. You will be able to choose wishful time-plan during the registration process. Now you are one step away from completing your registration process. Please, choose the type of account and push the appropriate button below the table.
Standard account
Premium account
Upload speed
Up to 200 Kb/s
File size
Up to 700 Mb
Up to 700 Mb
FTP support
E-mail delivery
1 address
100 addresses
Download speed
Up to 70 kb/s
File life time
30 days*
90 days*
Number of connections
Download waiting
5-30 sec
0 sec
Please Select:
小题1:What extra advantage you will get if you pay a small fee for the service?
A.You can upload a file no matter how big it is.
B.Your file will remain at least 90 days.
C.Your file will remain one month.
D.Your friends will see your files for free.
小题2:For a premium account user, the more money you will pay ________ .
A.the longer your files will remain online
B.the bigger file you can upload
C.the more money you can earn
D.the longer you can use the file-hosting service
小题3:The same feature offered by both the standard account and premium account is ________.
A.upload speedB.file size
C.file life timeD.number of connections


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