
治疗盗汗之阴虚火旺证,应首选() A.玉屏风散 B.六味地黄丸 C.一贯煎 D.当归










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参考答案:A, B, C, D

题型:多项选择题 案例分析题










It was one of the happiest times of my life. I was 29 and had just received my bachelor’s degree, graduating with honors despite working two jobs and being a wife and mother. My parents and five - year - old son were in the audience when I walked onto the stage at Ashland University to get my diploma. I was so excited and proud to be starting a teaching career and contributing more to my family’s well - being.
But when I got home that evening, there was a note from my husband written on the back of an envelope. It basically said he’d come to get his clothes and wouldn't be back. We’d been having trouble, but the finality of that note still came as a shock. He had emptied our bank account. We were horribly in debt. I had quit my previous jobs in expectation of interviewing for a teaching position. I was embarrassed, scared, and angry and felt I had failed.
But I had my son, and I was about to bring a new life into the world, so despite my deep sadness, I had to go on. The next morning, I woke up, put my feet on the floor, took a deep breath, fixed breakfast, and basically did everything I always did. I used my routine to keep me moving. One small step after one small step was the way I bounced back.
And in the seven years since, I've continued moving forward. I got a job as a kindergarten teacher, earned a master' s degree in education. I certainly would never have chosen to put them through this, but I'm glad it happened to me when looking back. It helped me find my voice and myself a lot sooner. It helped me grow independent, confident, and strong—things I' m hopefully developing gradually now in my child.
1.It was one of the author's happiest times because ____.
A.she became a good wife and got two jobs
B.she had just received her bachelor's degree
C.she had been a teacher at Ashland University
D.she was proud to be loved by her family
2.From the second paragraph we can learn the author ____.
A.had run out of her money and was in debt
B.had interviewed for a teaching position
C.had a bad relationship with her husband
D.had got a paper of ending her marriage
3.The author did everything as usual because ____.
A.she wanted to use her routine to move forward
B.she wanted to get a good job as a teacher
C.she felt she had failed and was very sad
D.she had to support her mother and child
4.What does the author think of the failure she faced?
A.It was possible to live without failing at something.
B.It made her become embarrassed, scared, and angry .
C.It made her give up hope and didn't bounce back.


D.It had a positive and beneficial influence on her.

5.The passage mainly wants to teach us ____.
A.how to learn from failure            B.how to become a good woman
C.how to earn a master' s degree   D.how to bring up our children

Of the thousands of different kinds of animals that exist in the world man has learned to make friends with an enormous number. Some are pets, and offer him companionship, some give protection, and some do hard work which man can not do for himself. Dogs , which serve man in all three capacities(能力), are found in various species in all countries of the world. The    Husky can live in the cold polar regions,and the Saluki is at home in the hottest parts of Central Africa.The inhabitants (居民)of certain countries are dependent for their very lives on the camel. In the West Indies the little donkey, strong and sure-footed, carrying heavy loads even in mountainous, places, is a familiar sight.

Trained and tamed for many generations, domestic animals are not accustomed to roaming in search of food and shelter. They look to their masters to provide for their needs, and as  long as these are supplied, they are content to do what their masters require.

All domestic animals need proper food .It must be suitable for them, sufficient in quantity, fresh and clean. Some people feed a pet dog or cat on odds and ends of table scraps(剩饭), and then wonder why the animal seems tired and dull. The quantity of food depends on the size of the animal and the amount of exercise it takes. Overfeeding is as bad as underfeeding. Containers for food and water must be washed regularly if the animal is to maintain good health.

Even well-cared-for animals may sometimes fall ill. If this happens, the wise master seeks the best advice he can get. All sorts of medicines and treatments are available for sick animals, and in some countries organizations exist to provide them free of at a cheap price. Useful, friendly, hardworking animals deserve to have some time, money and attention spent on their health.

小题1:What main idea does the author want to convey in the first paragraph?

A.There exists thousands of species of animals in the world.

B.Man came to establish a close relationship with a number of animals.

C.In some regions a donkey seems to be a very useful beast.

D.An animal will be useless unless domesticated.小题2:When an animal doesn’t get enough food, it will probably    

A.refuse to obey its master

B.immediately fall ill

C.require its master to offer some food

D.seek for food on its own小题3:Which of the following is NOT true of dogs according to the passage?

A.They can act as friends, guards ,and servants to man.

B.They have great adaptation for the environment.

C.There live a great variety of species of dogs on the globe.

D.The Husky and the Saluki are the strongest species ever known in the world小题4:To keep a domestic animal physically fit, its owner is advised    

A.not to hesitate to spend enormous amount of money on it

B.to pay attention to its proper feeding

C.not to allow it to take excessive amounts of exercise

D.to join some sort of pet-keeping organizations小题5:Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

A.Domesticated Animals-Man’s Best Friends

B.Proper Diet- the Road to Health

C.The Advantages of Raising Domestic Animals

D.Some Tips on Pet- keeping
