



意识的能动性:是指意识对人在实践基础上能动地认识世界和改造世界的指导作用。据此定义,下列属于意识能动作用的是( )






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戊戌 * * 后,慈禧太后将弹劾李鸿章的奏章拿给他看:“有人谗尔为康党”。李鸿章回答:“臣实是康党。……六部诚可废,若旧法能富强,中国之强久矣,何待今日。主张变法者即指为康党,臣无可逃,实是康党。”李鸿章为自己辩护非常高明,其高明之处在于 






It was the beginning of the school year a few years ago and I had a little boy in my class who came from a non – English speaking home, He was very quiet and shy, I wasn’t sure how much he understood during the school day and I was especially concerned that he just stood by himself at break time and did not play, If I tried to talk to him , he would turn away and tightly shut his eyes to hide from me.

After a day or two of this, I decided to seek the help from one of my outgoing and friendly little girls, I called her over and she ran to me , ready to help.

I immediately began a long speech about what I needed from her, I asked her if she would try to get him to play, and I started talking quickly about all these suggestions on how she could start communication with him , I explained she could do that , she could try this idea, she could try that idea, “Don’t worry, I speak kid” And she ran off.

I stood there all alone, silently watching her, It took less than a minute for the two new friends to urn off, hand in hand , happily joining a game of tag (捉人游戏)taking place all over the gym.

I often think of that small moment, about what I learned and how important it is for all teachers to speak kid --- big kid, little kid and middle kid , I know my focus must be on teaching students how to think , how to approach problems ,and how to figure out solutions and teaching them never to let the opportunity away , We must be ready to learn from our students because those “teachable moments ”during the school days are for us , the teachers, as well as our kids.

小题1:Why did the author worry about the boy?

A.He didn’t dare to look at the author in the eyes

B.He couldn’t speak English as well as other students

C.He failed to understand what the author taught

D.He was unwilling to communicate with others小题2:After the girl agreed to help, the author       

A.taught her what to do in detail

B.thanked her for her willingness to help

C.thanked her for her willingness to help

D.reminded her of what she should be careful about小题3:By saying “I speak kid ”,the girl meant that she could       

A.speak the language that kids understand

B.speak the boy’s native language

C.know what kids want to day

D.speak well like a little kid小题4:The underlined words“the opportunity”refer to the chance to       

A.play at break time

B.learn from students

C.solve problems

D.speak kid小题5:What can we learn from the passage?

A.Gold will shine everywhere

B.Children are more friendly than adults

C.Teachers’ thoughts are different form students’

D.You learn something every day if you pay attention
