
完形填空。 The yearly Marathon in my town usu




     The yearly Marathon in my town usually happened during a heat wave. My job was to follow behind the
runners in an ambulance   1  any of them needed medical attention.
     "We' re supposed to stay behind the  2   runner, so take it slowly," I said to the driver, Doug, as the race
started. The front-runners started to   3   and then my eyes were   4   to the woman in blue silk running shorts
and a loose white T-shirt.
     We knew we were already watching our"last runner". Her   5   were so crippled (残疾的) that it seemed
almost impossible for her to be able to walk,  6   alone run a marathon.
     Doug and I  7   in silence as she slowly moved forward.  8  , she was the only runner left in sight. Tears
streamed down my face when I watched with respect   9   she pushed forward with great  10   through the
last miles.
     When the finish line came into sight, rubbish lay everywhere and the   11   crowds had long gone home.
   12   ,standing straight and ever so proud   13   a lone man. He was  14   one end of a ribbon (缎带) of crepe
paper (彩色皱纹纸)   15   to a post. She slowly crossed through, leaving both ends of the paper fluttering
behind her.
     I do not know this woman's name, but that day she became part of my   16  -a part I often depend on. For
her, it wasn't about   17   the other runners or winning a prize, but about  18  what she had set out to do, no
matter   19   .When I think things are too difficult or i get those" I-just-can't-do-it", I think of the last runner.
Then I realize how   20   the task before me really is.

( )1. A. so that  
( )2. A. first    
( )3. A.run       
( )4. A. drawn    
( )5. A.hands     
( )6. A.let       
( )7. A. watched  
( )8. A. Quickly  
( )9. A. since    
( )10. A. pain    
( )11. A. tired   
( )12. A. Besides 
( )13. A. stood   
( )14. A. helping 
( )15. A. kept    
( )16. A.dream    
( )17. A.following
( )18. A.finishing
( )19. A.where    
( )20. A.difficult
B. in case       
B. best          
B. separate      
B. thrown        
B. legs          
B. leave         
B. drove         
B. Unluckily     
B. before        
B. determination 
B. waiting       
B. Therefore     
B. waited        
B. catching      
B. tied          
B. feeling       
B. hoping        
B. realizing     
B. how           
B. interesting   
C. even though 
C. only        
C. disappear   
C. fixed       
C. arms        
C. speak       
C. observed    
C. Naturally   
C. as          
C. strength    
C. cheering    
C. Yet         
C. came        
C. holding     
C. connected   
C. idea        
C. encouraging 
C. starting    
C. when        
C. easy        
D. only if    
D. last       
D. appear     
D. caught     
D. body       
D. take       
D. stared     
D. Finally    
D. until      
D. desire     
D. impatient  
D. Fortunately
D. had        
D. tying      
D. led        
D. life       
D. beating    
D. winning    
D. what       
D. hopeful    


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A.氯气具有毒性,主要通过呼吸道侵入人体并溶解在黏膜所含的水分里,会对上呼吸道黏膜造成损害,故A错误; B.氮气无毒,故B正确;C.一氧化碳进入人体之后会和血液中的血红蛋白结合,进而使血红蛋白不能与氧气...


某工厂 的三台工业锅炉的砌筑工程被某专业承包公司承包。由于该工程设计要求十分严格,且具有危险性,于是承包商在锅炉砌筑前进行了工序交接,签订了工序交接证明书;制定了安全技术措施并进行了安全技术交底;组织并落实施工组织设计。工程按设计要求顺利竣工,锅炉、烘炉、煮炉试运转完成后,报请国家特种设备安全监督管理部门核准的检测机构进行监督检验,竣工验收后在规定日期将技术资料移交给使用单位,锅炉经检验合格,无质量安全问题后,交付使用。

《特种设备安全监察条例》规定,承揽工程前应取得特种设备( )活动的资格。





