
(22分) 2010年5月1日上海世博会将正式举办。主题:“城市,让生活更美好”



(22分) 2010年5月1日上海世博会将正式举办。主题:“城市,让生活更美好”。



材料二: 1876年,美国费城的世界博览会,是美国第一次举办的世博会。这一年,适逢美国建国百年。美国展品占据了大部分的展览面积。主厅:美国展品占据了一半,有精巧的打字机、自来水笔、手表、幻灯放映机、刚刚问世的电灯等;机械宫:美国展品占据了3/4,展出了抽水机、挖泥船、缝纫机、织布机等工业品;农业宫:美国展品占据了2/3;园艺宫:基本全是美国展品;在博览会的总展览厅中,中国设立了自己的展室。正面一大牌楼,上书“大清国” 三字,横额日“物华天宝”,两侧有对联“集十八省大观,天工可夺;庆一百年盛会,友谊斯敦”。两旁有东西辕门,上插黄地青龙旗,很像官府衙门,形式非常严肃。里面陈列了许多古色古香的橱柜,放置绸缎、象牙雕刻、银器、景泰蓝、漆器、镜屏、瓷器、字画等。



材料三  1910年,上海小说家陆士谔在他的幻想小说《新中国》里虚构了在一百年后的上海浦东举办世界博览会的具体情形。他在游历上海时惊讶地发现,租界的治外法权已经收回,昔日趾高气扬的洋人见了中国人毕恭毕敬,而街头的新生事物则更多,以往经常碰撞行人的电车也改为地下行驶。“把地中掘空,筑成了隧道,安放了铁轨,日夜点着电灯,电车就在里头飞行不绝。?“一座很大的铁桥,跨着黄浦,直筑到对岸浦东。”2010年百年梦想终成现实,上海世博会将如期举办。             --摘编自《世博岁月》






材料五:  2010年,上海将举办世博会,这将是我国加入世界贸易组织以后,更加全面融入经济全球化的一项实质性措施,也是继申办奥运会成功以后再次向世人展现中国改革开放以来所取得的政治、经济、文化、科技发展成果的崭新机会。



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答案:B题目分析:考查固定词组:have nothing to do but do只好做…,句意:每个人都沉默了,只好等待。选B。点评:类似的词组还有have no choice but to do/ca’t help but do/can’t but do都...


Every day millions of letters go from one country to another. Letters mailed in Italy are received in Japan. Letters mailed in Canada are received in Africa. On the letters are many different kinds of stamps,bought in different countries.

The Universal Postal Union helps each letter get to the right place as quickly as possible. It sets up rules about the size and weight of letters,postcards,and small packages(包裹). It has rules that all countries must follow about international postal rates(费用).

One hundred years ago,international mail did not move so smoothly. One country did not always accept another country’s letters. Letters from some countries were too large to fit into the mailboxes of other countries. Letters travelled by many different routes(路线).Some were lost along the way.

Sometimes the person who sent the letter could pay only part of the postage. The person receiving the letter had to pay the rest.

The United States was the first to suggest that all countries work together to settle the questions of international mail. In 1974,men from twenty-four countries met in Switzerland to form the Universal Postal Union.Today,more than 120 nations belong to this union. From its office in Switzerland,the union helps the mail to move safely and quickly around the world.

小题1:From the story we can infer that ______.

A.mail is important to all countries

B.not enough letters are sent all over the world

C.all the letters must go to Switzerland first

D.all stamps look exactly the same小题2:The Universal Postal Union was formed ___________________ .

A.to help move mail quickly around the world

B.to give many men a chance to work

C.to help men meet in Switzerland

D.to look for the lost letters along the way小题3:The underlined word “postage” in this passage means __________ .

A.money paid when you buy a stamp

B.money spent on an envelope

C.the charge for carrying a letter by post

D.the pay a postman receives for his work小题4:This passage is mainly about ______________ .

A.different kinds of stamps in different countries

B.an organization that makes rules

C.international mail

D.the size and weight of letters
