
It should go without saying that the focus



It should go without saying that the focus of UML is modeling. However, what that means, exactly, can be an open-ended question. () is a means to capture ideas, relationships, decisions, and requirements in a well-defined notation that can be applied to many different domains. Modeling not only means different things to different people, but also it can use different pieces of UML depending on what you are trying to convey. In general, a UML model is made up of one or more () . A diagram graphically represents things, and the relationships between these things.These () can be representations of real-world objects, pure software constructs, or a description of the behavior of some other objects. It is common for an individual thing to show up on multiple diagrams; each diagram represents a particular interest,or view, of the thing being modeled.UML 2.0 divides diagrams into two categories: structural diagrams and behavioral diagrams. () are used to capture the physical organization of the things in your system, i. e. , how one object relates to another. () focus on the behavior of elements in a system. For example, you can use behavioral diagrams to capture requirements, operations, and internal state changes for elements.

()focus on the behavior of elements in a system.

A.Activity diagrams

B.Use-case diagrams

C.Structural diagrams

D.Behavioral diagrams


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1. e t e r                 
3. o t f n r                  
5. k y n m o e                 
7. t e o i d u s                 
2. t e o f r s                
4. f w l o                 
6. e i n i d s                 
8. u k r t n                                                                                       

材料一 龙成为中 * * 共同的图腾,首先是因为龙包含着自然崇拜的因素,即人们把龙当作主宰风雪雨露的神来敬重。如果从地理环境角度分析,我们中国基本处在温带气候,又有着广阔的内陆腹地,非常适宜农耕文明的生息繁衍。自古以来,我们中国就一直以农业立国,而雨水又是农业生产的命脉。只有风调雨顺,才能五谷丰登,家给人足。反之非旱即涝,则会颗粒无收,饿殍遍野。正是基于这一利害关系,古人对龙的威力产生了敬畏,形成了龙的图腾崇拜。龙作为图腾最初源于远古的太皞部落。史载太皞部落居江淮流域,以龙命官。后来,随着历史的向前推进,各部落间因战争、迁徙、杂居、通婚等因素,彼此间文化相互渗透融合,就逐渐形成了中国历史上广泛的龙图腾崇拜。

材料二 龙在国人的心目中具有很高的文化传统地位。老外没有中国人这般大方,他们口里叫中国龙叫做dragon,dragon在西方的神话中是恶魔的象征,有点类似于我们口里的“夜叉”;好莱坞电影里倒是经常出现西方人眼睛里龙的形象,一个大号的蜥蜴,然后绑上两个大翅膀,嘴里能喷火,风靡世界的电影《哈利伯特》里就有过哈里骑着大扫帚斗龙的镜头,自然是处于不被人喜欢的凶恶角色。

