
(2008年四川)   四、(本题23分)   案情:2007年1月,甲不慎遗失其手



(2008年四川)   四、(本题23分)   案情:2007年1月,甲不慎遗失其手袋,内有其名贵玉镯一只。乙拾得后,按照手袋内的名片所示积极寻找失主,与甲取得了联系,将玉镯归还给了甲。   2007年5月,甲与丙结婚。甲、丙合计开设一家茶馆,茶馆办理工商登记注明的开办人为甲。因急需资金,甲持玉镯到信达典当行典当,经商议,玉镯出典,获资金8万元,约定3个月后赎回。   因缺乏经验,茶馆惨淡经营,终致难以为继,2008年8月甲、丙决定关闭茶馆。此时茶馆对外负债2万元。   同年9月,甲、丙自觉缘分已尽,协议离婚。   问题:



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More than ever, kids today have given up reading for activities like watching TV, playing video games and surfing the Internet, but recently a new trend (趋势) has been catching on that will hopefully change that.

In fact, book clubs are becoming more popular among American kids. 11-year-old Kenya Debarros read about singer Lena Horne. “It was just amazing to see a black woman as the star and not just a mammy or a maid,” she says. But did all these kids come enthusiastically (热情地)? No, not exactly.

“I like book club, uh, I don’t know, but I am just trying it out. My mom didn’t make me, but I just tried it out,” says 16-year-old Antonio Nash.

And if they’ll try it, the experts say, there are ways to get them to come back. Make it fun, serve pizza, serve chocolate cakes and have door prizes (门票对号奖). It also helps to connect books to the real world. They talk about things that are happening in the community, so they can relate whatever they’ve read in the book to what’s happening now.

Here they have long talks about the books they have selected, which most kids don’t get to do when they’re in school, and these kids say, in book clubs they’re learning to love books and love reading.

“I feel like I’m actually in the book and doing what the actual main character is doing,” says 13-year-

-old Justin Woodard.

16-year-old Antonia McManus says reading gives her a nice break from the day, “Sitting down and reading a book gives me some time to get away from the world, and get my mind straight.”

52. What does the underlined phrase “catching on” in Paragraph 1 mean?

A. Happening.              B. Realizing.    C. Becoming popular.   D. Bringing in.

53. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Book clubs develop very fast in America.

B. Book clubs are popular among American kids.

C. American kids’ habits are changing towards reading.

D. A new trend helps change children in America.

54. It can be known from the passage that ______.

A. book clubs are designed to improve kids’ study

B. book clubs are mainly to help kids forget the reality

C. kids like to go there for the silent surroundings

D. kids may get unexpected rewards in book clubs

55. Why does Antonia McManus like going to the book club?

A. She finds reading restful.

B. She could get some sound sleep.

C. She likes the noisy conditions there.

D. She can deal with her problems there.

题型:问答题 案例分析题


1994年春,处于严重污染水域内的养殖场和其他受害人,开始到处 * * ,数十次的向有关部门反映情况,强烈要求5企业尽快治理,停止肆意排放。但是由于5企业一直没有停止污染物排放行为,1994年4月,养殖场存育的美国青蛙蝌蚪和正在变形的幼蛙(计270多万尾)开始出现死亡,同年7-8月间大量死亡,至同年9月,几乎全部死亡。按当时的市场价计算,养殖场因此而遭受的直接经济损失为48.3万元。事后,司法部门的司法鉴定科学技术研究所在其针对本事件所作的微量物证鉴定中表明,养殖场饲养的蝌蚪死亡与步云 染化厂等排放的废水造成的附近水域水质污染有直接的不可推卸的因果关系。鉴于此,1995年4月,嘉兴市环保局对5企业的超标排污行为各作出罚款5000元的行政处罚决定,同时,试图对养殖场与5企业之间的环境污染损害赔偿纠纷进行协调。但是,最终仅就“5企业在污染排放未达标之前,应补给养殖场6万元,用于1995年生产自救用水费”达成调解,却未能解决养殖场1994年的污染损害赔偿问题。1995年12月,养殖场以5企业为被告,向平湖市人民法院提起民事诉讼,请求判令被告养殖场经济损失48.3万元,并排除污染危害,停止侵权。

