
阅读理解。 Years ago while lying in my hammo




     Years ago while lying in my hammock(吊床)and drinking JD from the bottle, I noticed my dog

dragging something under the fence. Upon inspection, to my disappointment, I realized it was the

next door neighbor's 10yearold daughter's rabbit. For years I had watched her come home from

school and head straight out to its cage, free it and play with it in the yard. I knew that day would

be no different and fearing for our dog, I had to think fast.

     The rabbit was quite dirty, as if it had put up quite a struggle, so I washed it, combed it with the

dog brush and blew it dry with the leaf blower. Upon finishing its grooming I jumped the fence and

replaced it back in its cage hoping its death would be written off as "natural caused".

Back to the hammock and JD. Within the hour the neighbor's Volvo palled in as usual and out

popped the little girl, and as usual she headed straight for the cage. Only this time she stopped about

six feet away and screamed: "D-A-D-D-Y!!!"

     Her father, panicstricken, stood looking at the cage. Being the good neighbor that I am, I rushed

to fence and asked if there was anything I could do.

     Her father less than calmly shouted, "What kind of sick individual would dig up a little girl's rabbit

and put it back in its cage?"

1. The girl was shocked because ________.

A. the rabbit was killed by someone

B. the rabbit was too clean

C. the dead rabbit was cleaned and put back into the cage

D. the rabbit was asleep in the cage

2. That day the girl ran to the cage ________.

A. because her rabbit was there

B. because she had a habit of going there to see her rabbit

C. because she wanted to see her rabbit again

D. because the rabbit was dead

3. We can infer that the rabbit ________.

A. was alive before the writer saw his dog dragging it

B. was already dead before the writer saw his dog dragging it

C. was in the cage playing with the dog

D. was at the fence seeking out for food before it was killed by the dog

4. According to the story, the writer ________.

A. was helpful to his neighbor

B. did a smart thing

C. was honest

D. made a mistake


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“我不同意你的说法,但我誓死捍卫你说话的权利”,这句话据称是法国启蒙思想家、被称为“法国良心”的伏尔泰说的。作为捍卫“言论自由”标志性的符号,这 句话一直被欧美媒体和政客不遗余力地向全世界推广,令人意想不到的是,经考证,伏尔泰并未说过这句话,这好像在西方“言论自由”的说法上戳了一个窟窿。一 个在欧美生活多年的中国学者称,在美国有18种“言论自由”不受保护,“欧洲 * * 公约”对言论自由限制的内容比言论自由的内容长一倍。这段文字意在强调()。




