
完形填空。 As King Parveez and Queen Shireen



     As King Parveez and Queen Shireen were sitting in their palace one day, a fisherman who was selling
beautiful fish was brought in front of them. King Parveez decided to    1   a fish and gave the fisherman
4,000 dirham for it.
     The fisherman was wild with   2   . He thanked King Parveez and left.
     Queen Shireen turned to her husband in anger and    3    him for paying so much for a fish. The king
said that the fish was purchased and that there was    4    that could be done about it.
        5   , Queen Shireen insisted that the fisherman should be    6   . She said, "We will ask the fisherman
about the    7    of the fish. If he answers it is female, we will say we want a male fish and if he replies it is
male, we will say we want a female fish! Either way, we will be able to return the fish and have our    8   
     So the poor fisherman was called back and was asked the question.
     Fortunately, he was   9   enough not to be caught out. The fisherman replied, "This fish is
  10    in the sense that it is neither male nor female."
     King Parveez was so   11    by the wisdom of the man that he  12    a further 4,000 dirham to be paid
to him. The fisherman thanked King Parveez     13   , but as he was about to
leave with the heavy bag of money, one of the  14   fell onto the floor. The fisherman   15   bent down to
look for the coin.
     "Look how greedy this man is!" Queen Shireen   16   . "One coin has fallen out of his money bag and
he searches for it instead of leaving it for some other poor    17      in the palace
to find."
     The fisherman heard this   18    and said, "It is not out of greediness that I search for the coin but rather
because it had the picture of    19    King Parveez on it. I would not   20   anyone to step on the coin."
( )1. A. find        
( )2. A. joy        
( )3. A. praised    
( )4. A. anything    
( )5. A. However    
( )6. A. held back  
( )7. A. color      
( )8. A. bag        
( )9. A. moved      
( )10. A. unique    
( )11. A. embarrassed
( )12. A. drew      
( )13. A. ever      
( )14. A. bills      
( )15. A. immediately
( )16. A. laughed    
( )17. A. fisherman  
( )18. A. suggestion
( )19. A. generous  
( )20. A. persuade  
B. catch      
B. worry      
B. scolded    
B. something  
B. Somehow    
B. hung back  
B. number      
B. money      
B. afraid      
B. common      
B. confused    
B. ordered    
B. first      
B. shoes      
B. simply      
B. cried      
B. beggar      
B. announcement
B. handsome    
B. tolerate    
C. buy        
C. hope        
C. respected  
C. everything  
C. Still      
C. brought back
C. result      
C. gold        
C. clever      
C. expensive  
C. surprised  
C. collected  
C. again      
C. fish        
C. naturally  
C. whispered  
C. servant    
C. voice      
C. honest      
C. advice     
D. see          
D. puzzle        
D. supported    
D. nothing      
D. Instead      
D. turned back  
D. gender        
D. gift          
D. excited      
D. fresh        
D. impressed    
D. saved        
D. well          
D. coins        
D. slowly        
D. threatened    
D. farmer        
D. remark        
D. wise          
D. encourage    


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