
阅读理解。 The island Fiji has always been a




     The island Fiji has always been around me in my life. My parents met in Fiji when my father was a

teacher as a Peace Corps volunteer and my mother a student. They taught me about its people, culture,

foods and religious beliefs.

     At the age of two, I made my first trip across the Pacific Ocean to Fiji. My mother and I made that

trip unexpectedly because my grandma was ill and longed to see her American granddaughter. Although

I have few memories of that first trip, I do remember grandma braiding(编辫子) my hair every day. The

brush gliding through my hair is a feeling I will treasure forever because she passed away soon. I returned

to America when I was five years old. This time I had a brother, Martin, who was two.

     I resisted my third trip to Fiji when I was 15, being a teenager who did not want to spend the summer

away from friends. It was this trip, however, that made me realize that Fiji is not just a place to visit but a

part of who I am. The smells and sounds and sights came back to me, but the best part was getting to

know my relatives.

     Vishal was one cousin I quickly bonded with(与…合拍). Born two days before me, I had only

known him through pictures before. Though raised oceans apart in different cultures, we talked and

laughed about everything from American sports to Fijian dancing. I was able to form close ties with all

my cousins, and when I talk about them now, it's as if I have known them my whole life. Spending time

with them helped me understand the traditions and values my mother grew up with. Hospitality (热情)

and care and respect for family members are central values in Fijian culture.

     I truly enjoyed learning about my roots during this trip. Fuji is just like a second home, and I will never

forget the time I have spent there.

1. From the passage, we can learn that ________.

A. the author's parents had been classmates before

B. the author had lived in Fiji for about five years

C. the author had no memories of her grandma

D. people value family in Fijian culture

2. The author resisted her third trip to Fiji because_________.

A. she didn't want to separate from her brother

B. she didn't know her cousins there very well

C. she didn't want to separate from her American friends

D. her grandma had passed away

3. Which of the following is TRUE about Vishal?

A. He is younger than the author.

B. The author had met him on her first trip to Fiji.

C. He and the author had lots of common interests.

D. He and the author held different opinions about Fijian culture.

4. What's the best title for the passage?

A.  My Trips to Fiji

B. Discovering My Fijian Origins

C. My Understanding of Fijian Culture

D.  My Memories of Fiji


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材料一:中共十七届三中全会通过《中 * * 关于推进农村改革发展若干重大问题的决定》,文中指出,按照依法自愿有偿原则,允许农民以转包、出租、互换、转让、股份合作等形式流转土地承包经营 权,发展多种形式的适度规模经营。人民群众衷心拥护此次决定,认为中央允许土地流转非常及时,中国第二次伟大而深远的改革大浪潮将再次从农村掀起。

材料二:中国的农村问题实质是城市化的问题。见童大焕的评论《三农改革90%功夫应着眼于城市》——“当年,有2.26亿农民工在城市打工,月均收入大致1000元,平均到7.28亿(中国城市化率约44%)农村人口头上,平均每人每年是3725元。就是说,今天的中国农民,从总体上看,其90%的收入已经来自非农收入。而2.26亿农民工也意味着农村青壮年劳动力基本上都在城市打工。 换一个角度说,2007年中国农民人均4140元的年收入中,只有415元来自农村、农业。即使以最好的结果来推论,今后公司+农户、农民自主合作、外向型农业、高附加值农业等形式使农民的农业收入10倍、20倍地增加,也始终无力拉平城乡收入差距。因此,绝大部分农民进入城市,成为新市民,是中国现代化的必然选择,也是农民自发、自觉的必然选择。”对二元体制有大的突破,农民的命运才可能得到根本改变。


