
完形填空 Adrian's "Amazing Race" started ear



     Adrian's "Amazing Race" started early when his parents realized he couldn't hear a thing, not even loud noises. At a special school for the hearing-impaired (听觉受损的),he learned  ___1__ language and had
to __2___ with other disabled children. However, the  ___3__ of all the disabled children communicating with one another upset his mother. She wanted him to lead a(an)  __4_ life. After speaking to an advisor,
she sent him to private classes __5__ he learned to lip-read and pronounce words.
     Later on, Adrian's parents __6__ to send him to a regular school. The headmaster tried to prevent
them from doing so, __7__ regular school couldn't take care of a special needs student. His parents were
determined to __8__ and pushed him hard to go through his work every day __9__ they wanted to prove that, __10__ the opportunity, Adrian could do anything. Adrian made the grade and was __11__. It was a big challenge. The pace(节奏) was faster so he had to sit at the front of the class and really pay attention
to  the teacher, ___12__ wasn't always easy. But he___13__ it and did a lot of extra work after school.
     The ___14__made by Adrian and his parents paid off. Adrian graduated with good __15__ and got
into a top high school. He also achieved a lot in his life __16__ school. He developed a love __17___ the outdoors and went to Nepal to climb mountains. He even entered the World Yacht Race 05/06, __18___ the first hearing-impaired Asian to do so.
     But none of these achievements would have been possible __19__ one of the most important lessons
from his mother.
     "If you ___20__ yourself and work hard, you can achieve great results," she often said.
( )1. A. sign    
( )2. A. mix        
( )3. A. view   
( )4. A. common   
( )5. A. that     
( )6. A. thought    
( )7. A. lying    
( )8. A. insist on  
( )9. A. because  
( )10. A. having given
( )11. A. fired   
( )12. A. it      
( )13. A. stuck to  
( )14. A. affords
( )15. A. aims   
( )16. A. outside
( )17. A. to     
( )18. A. achieved
( )19. A. out of   
( )20. A. leave out  
B. hearing  
B. work      
B. sight     
B. normal  
B. which    
B. succeeded  
B. telling  
B. take a look    
B. therefore  
B. given     
B. blamed  
B. he      
B. devoted to  
B. effects  
B. fames    
B. inside
B. for    
B. became  
B. through  
B. trust in  
C. spoken  
C. play  
C. sign    
C. ordinary  
C. where  
C. decided  
C. speaking  
C. focus on  
C. however  
C. giving  
C. accepted  
C. that  
C. applied to
C. efforts  
C. grades    
C. behind
C. over  
C. becoming  
C. from  
C. try out    
D. written      
D. study        
D. scenery      
D. average      
D. when          
D. considered    
D. saying        
D. take the risk
D. while        
D. to give      
D. squeezed      
D. which        
D. appealed to  
D. affects      
D. data          
D. after        
D. about        
D. achieving    
D. without      
D. believe in    


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答案:B题目分析:A.将SO2通入含HClO的溶液中生成H2SO4, 是因为HClO的氧化性比H2SO4强,能够把SO2氧化为H2SO4。错误。B.铝箔在酒精灯火焰上加热熔化但不滴落,是由于加热时在金属表面产生了熔点高于铝的氧化铝,...

题型:多项选择题 案例分析题












(1) 2006年3月,公司董事长程某主持召开董事会会议,因为总会计师与董事长在会计工作上意见不合,会议决定由总经理主管财会工作,总会计师配合其工作。
(2) 2006年5月,公司会计科负责存货明细账登记工作的会计张某因病请长假。因会计科长出差在外,主管财会工作的总经理指定出纳员王某兼管张某的工作,并指示王某与张某办理了会计工作交接手续。
(3) 2006年6月,公司出纳员王某通过同学关系,收回乙公司欠款4万元。该欠款属于已被注销的坏账,董事长程某指示王某将该笔收入在公司会计账册之外另行登记保管,以备业务招待用。
(4) 2006年8月,会计科长退休。经总经理提议,公司董事会决定聘任自参加工作以来一直从事文秘工作的公司办公室副主任李某为会计科科长。
(5) 2006年12月,针对公司产品滞销、年度经营亏损已成定局的情况,董事长程某指使会计科科长李某、会计孙某在会计报表上做一些“技术处理”,确保“实现”年初定下的盈利目标。李某与孙某遵照办理。
(6) 2006年12月,公司采购员吴某出差借款2000元,填写借条时误写为3000元,所以采用了划线更正法更正并由会计科长李某签字后入账,并将此借条单独保管。
(7) 2007年2月,公司财务会计报告经主管财会工作的总经理、总会计师、会计科长签名并盖章后报出,董事长程某因出差在外,未在财务会计报告上签章。
(8) 会计人员谢某的会计从业资格证书是通过伪造学历证书骗取了免试资格而取得的。

