
Christopher Reeve is best known as the m



Christopher Reeve is best known as the man who played Superman always fighting against the forces of evil(邪恶). He came to ___1___ the victory of good over bad. Now he has taken on his ___2___ fight. 

In 1995, ___3___ riding his horse, Christopher Reeve was thrown to the ground. He broke his ___4___ and has been paralyzed ever since. He cannot move a muscle ___5___ his shoulder level and for six months after his accident he could not even ___6___ without help. ___7___, in spite of his terrible injuries, his goal is to carry on as ___8___ a life as he can. He now spends a lot of time traveling around America ___9___ for people who are in the same ___10___ as he is.

Over 215, 000 Americans suffer from spinal cord(脊髓) injuries, but 90% of them survive(幸存) and live to a great age. Almost $9 billion is spent every year ___11___ for these people, yet only $5 million is spent on the ___12___ to find a cure. Christopher Reeve is a very ___13___ man who, at the age of 9, will not accept that he will ___14___ walk again. He and many others believe that the only thing stopping ___15___ from finding a cure for their injuries is ___16___ for research. 

In 1996, he founded the Christopher Reeve Foundation(CRF) to raise funds(资金) for medical research to treat and find a cure for spinal cord injuries, and also to support programs that improve the quality of life for ___17___ people. Christopher Reeve makes the best of his ___18___. He has conquered his ___19___. He has even returned to the ___20___ world with a $5, 000 wheelchair that can be controlled by sucking or puffing on a straw.

1. A. show      B. play    C. stand for    D. win

2. A. hard       B. serious       C. interesting  D. own

3. A. when      B. before        C. after   D. by

4. A. shoulder        B. arm    C. back   D. hand

5. A. above     B. below        C. from   D. of

6. A. stand      B. work   C. breathe       D. think

7. A. And       B. however     C. Still    D. So

8. A. normal   B. pleased       C. easy    D. ordinary

9. A. caring    B. writing       C. looking      D. speaking

10. A. country B. illness        C. situation   D. part

11. A. treating        B. caring        C. serving       D. curing

12. A. research       B. patients      C. hospital      D. medicine

13. A. strong   B. young        C. determined        D. handsome

14. A. later     B. possibly     C. hardly        D. never

15. A. hospitals      B. scientists   C. chemists     D. patients

16. A. money  B. equipment  C. time    D. views

17. A. sick      B. disabled    C. ordinary     D. poor

18. A. spinalcord    B. illness        C. position      D. spirit

19. A. fear      B. spinalcord        C. disability    D. victory

20. A. business       B. movie      C. sports  D. pleasant


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C 铅是重金属,会使蛋白质发生变性,A正确;+4价铅的化合物具有强氧化性,易转化成稳定的+2价铅的化合物,B正确;新报纸中铅字会污染食品,C错误;含铅汽油造成大气污染,D正确.


下列说法正确的是:( )。

A.傅某持枪抢劫运钞车后逃逸,后被犯罪地的某市公安局抓获,傅某在某银行有存款 6万余元。傅某于5日后被依法逮捕,该案在侦查尚未完毕时,傅某突然因病死亡。但依据我国法律规定,某市公安局、某市人民检察院均无权扣划犯罪嫌疑人傅某的存款,所以对于在侦查过程中死亡的犯罪嫌疑人傅某的存款,可以申请人民法院通知已冻结的犯罪嫌疑人存款的银行上缴国库或返还被害人
D.某日柳某(无业人员,21岁)找胡某玩耍,胡某不在,仅胡某之妹(大一女生,18岁)独自一人在家,柳某遂生邪念,将胡某之妹强 * * 。案发后,柳某被抓获归案。案件起诉到法院,在开庭过程中,胡某在旁听该案审理时,对李律师为被告人柳某辩护的十分不满,气愤地冲上前殴打辩护人,审判长立刻决定对胡某罚款 1000元

一物体受绳的拉力作用由静止开始前进,先做加速运动,然后改为匀速运动;再改为做减速运动,则下列说法中正确的是(   )



