
(15分)阅读下列材料,回答问题: 材料一西班牙人和葡萄牙人于明代中叶完成地理大




材料一 西班牙人和葡萄牙人于明代中叶完成地理大发现,开通了中欧直接贸易海路,中国制成品出口和贸易顺差迅猛增长,从英吉利海峡到东非沿岸,从美国切萨皮克海湾到墨西哥阿卡普尔科,出土文物和海底沉船中的中国瓷器、纺织品都在无声地向人们诉说着中国古代手工业曾经有过的辉煌。由于……中国手工制品在国际市场上的竞争优势方才逐渐削弱以至消失。                


材料二 下图为中国、美国、英国、德国的制造业产值在世界上的比重变化趋势图。

材料三 中国各年进口出口商品分类比重

中国各年进口、出口商品分类比重   (%)







材料四 1998年中国出口商品中工业制成品比重上升到88.8%,出口额达1615.7亿美元,比1978年增长35.7倍,其中机电产品占出口总额的比重达36.2%,连续4年超过纺织品,成为中国第一大类出口商品。2008年,我国机电产品出口8229.3亿美元,增长17.3%,占当年我国出口总值的57.6%。其中,电器及电子产品出口增长13.9%;机械及设备出口增长17.5%。高新技术产品(与机电产品分类有交叉)增长13.1%。







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1. further   2. enjoyable    3. nodded    4. yourselves   5. incorrectly



     Rodney Mace, 35, is married with two young children, and is a part-time teacher of history, "I am

 constantly surprised by other people's surprise, when they come to the house and see me cleaning a

floor or hanging out the washing. Their eyes open wide at the sight of it! Much of the comment comes

form men. But I am even more surprised at the number of women who comment too."

    His wife Jane, an Oxford graduate in modern languages, has a demanding full-time job. She is director

of the Cambridge House literacy scheme(扫盲计划) for adults in South London. Her working week

involves several evenings and Saturdays, and at these times her husband is in charge of home and family.

Apart from this, they share household jobs and employ a child-minder for the afternoons. This enables

him to teach two days a week and to do what he considers his principal work: writing. He has written

several books and spends much of his time in the Museum Reading Room, cycling there from his home

in Brixton.

    People ask the Maces if they think their children miss them. One can argue that satisfied parents

generally have satisfied children, but in any case the Maces are careful to spare time and energy to play

with their children. "And they have now developed relationships with other adults and children.

    Before, Rodney Mace worked full-time and Jane only part-time. Then 18 months ago, the director

of the literacy scheme left. "It seems to me that Jane was very well suited to do this job. She was very

doubtful about it. But I asked her to apply. She did, and she got it." Jane Mace says that she needed

this encouragement, as so many women do.

    Did his male ego(男性自我意识) suffer from the change-over? Nothing like that occurred. But he

still seems amazed at the way it changed his thinking. "I felt that we were finally going to be partners. I

felt enormous relief. I wasn't avoiding responsibility, but changing it. Our relationship is so much better

now. It has been a change for the good for both of us-think for all of us, in every aspect of our lives. I

cannot overemphasize(过高强调) that: in every aspect, I think it is necessary that the woman works.

    The idea of equal partnership is an illusion if one partner doesn't work.

1.The article is about a couple whose married life is happier because _______.

A. they have a truly equal partnership   

B. the husband enjoys staying at home

C. they earn more money                  

D. the wife has a full-time job

2.Jane finally decided to apply for her present job because ________.

A. she thought she had better qualification than others

B .her husband had persuaded her to 

C. it was very well paid

D .some of her friends encouraged her to

3. It is implied in the passage that ________.

A. the Maces believe a good career is even more important that their family life

B. Rodney's children are quite happy with their position in the family

C. even capable women sometimes need encouragement from their families

D. the practice of sharing household jobs between husband and wife is common in London

4.We can infer from this passage that a change-over of roles in the family ________.

A. is quite necessary in modern life

B. is probably based on some practical reasons

C. aims mainly at a complete liberation of women

D. shows women are not necessarily inferior(低下) to men

5.Which of the following statements is true?

A. Most Englishmen think that a husband should do more housework than a wife.

B. In London the traditional idea about the sex role at home has been completely changed.

C. Many Englishmen and Englishwomen still believe that women are mainly in charge of      

     home and family.

D. English people believe that men should take more responsibilities for house work.
