
阅读下面的文章,完成11-14 题。 晶莹的瞬间 赵丽宏 那天下午,正在听肖邦的



阅读下面的文章,完成11-14 题。





          许多年前,也是在春节过后的一天,刚迈出中学校六的我,告别父亲,孤身坐上了北去的列车前往异乡。火车开出不久,就睛大雪。这是我有生以来遇到的最大的一场春雪,雪花铺天盖地落下来,很快就覆盖了大地,从车窗时望去,白茫茫一片。铁轨消失了,铁路两边的电线上也积满了雪,木头的电线杆竟然难负其重,纷纷倒伏在路边。火车不得不停在远离车站和城镇的雪原中。当时,我感到命运正通过这突然降临的大雪,向我发出了严峻而不祥的预兆。车窗外,看不到人,看不见路,只有雪花在灰色的天空中飞扬……车厢里一片抱怨声。在我周围烦躁不安的乘客中,只有一个人与众不同。别人怨天尤人,她却欢天喜地;别人唉声叹气,她却又唱又笑。这是坐在我对面的一个七八岁的小姑娘,她趴在车窗前,惊喜地看着窗外的大雪,嘴里大声地唱着:①“雪花雪花,白白的雪花,像盐像糖,亮亮的雪花……”她的歌单纯而滑稽。我看着这小姑娘,听着她的歌,竟忘记了面临的困境。小姑娘由她的母亲带着,她母亲是个三十来岁的少女妇,穿着朴素,神态安详,微笑地注视着快乐的女儿。女儿的快乐也感染了她,她微笑着回答女儿提出的关于雪的一个又一个问题。她回答不上,小姑娘就来问我,看着她天真活泼的脸色,我尽自己所能,尽量回答她的提问……我们的列车在原野中停了整整一天,那小姑娘一直兴致勃勃,用她的歌声和笑声给周围的人带来了快乐。晚上,母女俩互相依偎着安静入睡,即使面对着使旅途中断的冰雪。回想起来,  我和这对母女才讲了不多几句话,但她们却像茫茫雪原中一盆温暖的炭火,驱散了我的孤独、忧虑和烦躁。第二天早晨,火车开动了,我很快到达了目的地。在陌生的土地上,在白茫茫的雪原中,我怀着美好的憧憬留下了走向神龛和生活的第一行深深的脚印。此后,每当我艰难地寻找着自己的道路时,心里就会响起那单纯明朗的歌声:②“雪花雪花,白白的雪花,像盐像糖,亮亮的雪花……”

          就在我渲染在遥远而温馨的往事中时,窗外的大雪已经消失。那漫天飞舞的鹅毛大雪,突然地来,突然地去,犹如稍纵即逝的梦幻,而肖邦的钢琴夜曲,依然在我的周围回响,是那场大雪不绝如缕的美妙余韵。这早春的鹅毛大雪,尽管只是瞬间的闪现,但我很难忘记它们带给的遐想。我想,在喧嚣的生活中,有这样诗意的奇妙片刻,去放飞自己自由而宁静的心境是那么的好。                                                                       (本文有删改)

11. 第二段中写“雪花”,在内容和结构上各有什么作用?请简要分析。


12. 文章为什么要两次写小姑娘的歌声?请结合上下文作简要回答。


13. 文中画横线的句子富有表现力,请加以赏析。





14. 根据全文内容,指出标题中“晶莹”的具体含义,并分析作者在文中所表达的思想感情。



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参考答案:A, B, D解析:[答案]:ABD :企业所追求的最大利润,指的是最大的经济利润。经济利润也称为超额利润。选项CE说法有误。参见教材P22。







Men and women are still treated unequally in the workplace. Women continue to earn less, on average, for the same performance. Research has shown that both conscious(有意识的) and subconscious biases (偏见) contribute to this problem. But we’ve discovered another source of inequality: Women often don’t get what they want and deserve because they don’t ask for it. In three separate studies, we found that men are more likely than women to negotiate for what they want.

The first study found that the starting salaries of male MBAs who had recently graduated from Carnegie Mellon were 7.6%, or almost $4,000, higher on average than those of female MBAs from the same program. That’s because most of the women had simply accepted the employer’s salary offer; in fact, only 7% had attempted to negotiate. But 57% of their male counterparts--or eight times as many men as women—had asked for more.

Another study tested this gender difference in the lab. Subjects were told that they would be observed playing a word game and that they would be paid between $3 and $10 for playing. After each subject completed the task, an experimenter thanked the participant and said, “Here’s $3. Is $3 OK?” For the men, it was not OK, and they said so. Their requests for more money are nine times as many as the women’s.

The largest of the three studies surveyed several hundred people over the Internet, asking them about the most recent negotiations they’d attempted or started and when they expected to negotiate next. The study showed that men place themselves in negotiation situations much more often than women do.

There are several reasons accounting for the phenomenon. First, women often are taught from an early age not to promote their own interests and to focus instead on the needs of others. The messages girls receive—from parents, teachers, other children, the media, and society in general—can be so powerful that when they grow up they may not realize that they’ve made this behavior part of them, or they may realize it but not understand how it affects their willingness to negotiate. Women tend to think that they will be recognized and rewarded for working hard and doing a good job. Unlike men, they haven’t been taught that they can ask for more.

小题1:According to this passage, what causes the inequality in the workplace?

A.social bias

B.women’s poorer working ability

C.women’s worse academic background

D.women’s less negotiating小题2:Which can be the result of the following survey, according to Para 4?


When do you expect to negotiate next?

小题3:Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.Women are more likely to accept the employer’s salary offer.

B.Men tend to ask for more money than woman.

C.Women care more about other’s interest instead of themselves’.

D.Men believe that the better they work, the better they’re paid.小题4:What will be discussed in the following paragraph?

A.The suggestions given to women.

B.The warnings to men.

C.Another reason for women’s not asking.

D.Another reason for men’s asking.
