
中性粒细胞的下列哪种特性使其能从骨髓进入血液循环()A.杀菌 B.吞噬 C.变形性










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Power StruggleArnold Schwarzenegger has a mission: he wants to terminate global warming. In June, the California governor called for the state to cut down drastically its greenhouse-gas emissions to 80% of 1990 levels in the next 45 years. "The debate is over," he said in a forthright speech in San Francisco. "We know the science. We see the threat. And we know the time for action is now."This was fighting talk, but if any advanced economy can pull off such drastic cuts in emissions, this high-technology Pacific Rim state and its 36 million residents probably can. Schwarzenegger has help. He gets support from a team of state energy-conservation experts who have been in the business for years. And first among them is Arthur Rosenfeld. More than three decades ago, Rosenfeld helped to trigger the state’’s successful fight to cut energy consumption; today he is one of the five members of California’’s Energy Commission.Rosenfeld spent decades as a physics professor at the University of California, Berkeley. He now commutes weekly between his home overlooking San Francisco Bay and Sacramento, the capital, in an energy-saving car that the state provides. The Energy Commission’’s job isn’’t easy: to help the most populous US state figure out how it might cut greenhouse-gas emissions and make money doing it.Under controlIn his office, Rosenfeld pulls out a data plot of which he is particularly fond. It shows electricity consumption per capita from 1960 to 2002, with one line for California and one for the United States. In 1960, both lines sit at 4,000 kilowatt-hours per person. They rise at roughly the same pace to about 7,000 kilowatthours in the early 1970s. But at the point when the US energy crisis struck that decade, the lines diverge dramatically: California virtually flatlines its energy use per citizen — even though its economy was outpacing the rest of the nation. The state’’s electricity use per capita today is the lowest in the nation at 6,800 kilowatt-hours, compared with 12,800 kilowatthours for the country overall.The strategies that helped California achieve those conservation goals may now help it in its greenhouse-gas cuts. State energy experts, including Rosenfeld, don’’t foresee California adopting many radical new technologies to meet its ambitious goals. Rather, a steady application of proven technologies should do much of the job.California’’s $1.5-trillion gross annual product makes it the world’’s sixth largest economy, behind France and ahead of Italy. It is the planet’’s ninth-largest emitter of greenhouse gases. "California is not an insignificant actor, and we are seen as a world leader in protecting the environment," says Eileen Tutt, a senior officer at the California Environmental Protection Agency.Still, the governor’’s pledge, made on the United Nations World Environment Day, invited more support. Schwarzenegger is a tax-cutting Republican who is deeply suspicious of government regulation. Beset by budget fights and union opposition, he has dropped in popularity with the state’’s generally Democratic voters since his election two years ago. But his energy policies, building on those of a string of governors of both parties, get him reputation from longtime activists. "The governor is a real-life climate action hero today," Nancy Ryan, a senior economist with the group Environmental Defense, told reporters.Specifically, Schwarzenegger vowed that California will cut its greenhouse-gas emissions to below 2000 levels by 2010 and to less than the 1990 level of 373 million tonnes by 2020. But then the governor added the final, ambitious goal to cut emissions by a further 80% by 2050.Out on a limbHis policy stands in opposite contrast to that of the federal administration under President George W. Bush, who has refused to ratify the Kyoto Protocol to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions. The president has said that such action would squeeze the US economy too much. California officials say that they can do it while boosting the economy and creating jobs. The state’’s p environmental policies in the past, they point out, occurred while its economy thrived.Success will require the cooperation of several interlocking agencies. The Energy Commission plays a major role, as do the state’’s Environmental Protection Agency, Air Resources Board and Public Utilities Commission. Schwarzenegger’’s proclamation renewed their "absolute licence to go out and make California a model country for greenhouse policies", says Stephen Schneider, a physicist and climate-policy analyst at Stanford University.State officials have much at stake. California’’s climate could change utterly if a warmer world redirected storm paths. Rising temperatures could cause winter rain instead of snow in the Sierra Nevada mountains, triggering floods for which the state’’s aqueducts(沟渠) and dams are not prepared. Plus, its coast is vulnerable to a rise in sea level.Other states have also recognized their vulnerability to climate change, and have independently taken climate policy into their own hands. Local legislators, from mayors of cities to state governors, have begun their own versions of Kyoto-like regulations. In the northeast, nine states have agreed to limit carbon dioxide emissions from more than 600 power plants in the region. On the west coast, California has joined with Oregon and Washington in a governors’’ initiative to encourage energy efficiency and conservation.But of all the states, California’’s example has caused effect: in recent years many other states have adopted California’’s standards for car pollution rather than the more lax federal standards.And the state is now attracting international attention. In September, its Public Utilities Commission, Energy Commission and the Pacific Gas and Electric Company signed a pact (合同) with China’’s Jiangsu province to train officials and utility executives in energy-conservation tactics. Earlier this month, Schwarzenegger led a sales delegation to China to tout (吹捧) the state’’s energy-saving technologies, and another team from the state’’s Air Resources Board travelled to Belgium to brief European air-quality experts on energy policies.California’’s approach to energy conservation has helped it save money. The state sets electricity rates for private utilities, and sometimes provides subsidies to help power companies induce customers to cut their consumption. If they do, the state gives money back to the companies — through rate adjustments and other payments — that makes up for what the firms would have earned had they built additional power plants.The Energy Commission calculates that the total power bill for residents is about $16 billion lower each year than if the state had not launched its conservation campaign. Conservation has also managed to prevent some 18 million tonnes of carbon pollution being emitted from power plants — equivalent to taking 12 million cars off the roads. After allowing for the cost of measures such as changed building practices, appliances and subsidies, the net saving is about $12 billion.And deeper energy cuts should pay more, the commission says. The Air Resources Board estimates that planned reductions in greenhouse-gas emissions by 2020, from motor vehicles alone, could save Californians $256 million annually by 2010 (mostly from smaller fuel bills), and $4.8 billion annually by 2020.Cut and dried But will the state’’s longer-term emissions policy succeed Schneider is unsure how cost-effective the whole plan will be. Earlier stages may pay for themselves, he says, but the final leap to the 80% cut is unlikely to come without costs. "It would take a total modification of our fuel infrastructure(基础设施)," he notes.So far, even state planners aren’’t sure how they will meet the later goals. "We don’’t have the details, but we’’ll have a report to the governor’’s office in January," says Tutt.Some fresh ideas are already in the works. One notion, is to place 1 million solarpanel (太阳能) systems on rooftops by 2018. California gets about 11% of its electricity from geothermal, wind, biomass and solar units; for the United States overall, the number is around 2%. California aims to increase its share of renewable sources to 20% by 2010 and to 33% by 2020.Also helpful will be the vehicle clean-up legislation enacted just before Schwarzenegger’’s arrival. This requires car manufacturers, starting in 2009, to cut greenhouse-gas emissions from new cars and trucks by 22% by 2013 and 33% by 2017. But the law remains in dispute — perhaps predictably, car companies have sued. They argue that carbon dioxide is not a pollutant, and that regulating it at state level would pre-empt (先占) federal control over the fuel-efficiency standards in new cars. In the long run, the governor has chosen hydrogen-fuelled cars as his personal crusade.Wind power figures large in state plans. California pioneered wide-scale use of it and already has more than 14,000 wind turbines. In a good breeze their combined capacity is 2,100 megawatts — about the same as two nuclear power plants. State energy officials estimate that wind alone, in principle, can generate an additional 30,000 megawatts.

California obtains about 11% of its electricity from________,________, ________and________.


材料1 建国以来,国家投入大量资金整治江河,兴修水利。仅长江中下游就完成 40亿立方米的土石方,修筑和加固堤岸3500余公里。据粗略统计,仅在去年洪灾期间,这些设施就减少经济损失7200亿元。专家估计,水利投资与收益的比率约为1:10。 材料2 1998年长江发生的全流域特大洪水,其洪峰量和峰高均与1954年大体相当,但水位却超过历史最高值。出现这种情况与生态环境状况直接相关。据统计,近30年间,长江流域森林覆盖率减少一半,水土流失面积增加一倍,中下游湖泊面积减少45.5%,湖底普遍淤高1~3米。 材料3 国家重视环保工作,去年洪灾过后,又采取了包括制定《全国生态环境建设规划》在内的一系列措施,要求各地保护森林资源,制止毁林开垦、乱占林地行为并对加强水利设施建设、“退耕还林”、“退田还湖”等作出安排。 请回答: (1)我国政府投入大量资金兴修水利,治理生态环境的经济意义是什么 (2)结合上述材料,说明怎样才能做到按客观规律办事


Solving a problem can be broken down into several steps. First, the problem must be identified correctly. Psychologists refer (1) this step as problem representation. For many problems, figuring (2) which information is relevant and (3) is extraneous can be difficult and can interfere (4) arriving at a good solution. Clearly, before a problem can be solved, it must be obvious (5) the problem is, however, this is not as easy (6) it might seem. One obstacle to efficient problem representation is functional fixedness, that is, allowing preconceived notions and even prejudices (7) color the facts. Most people tend (8) see objects and events in certain fixed ways, and by being inflexible in viewing the problem, they may be unable to notice the tools (9) the solution. Once the problem is identified accurately, (10) , the second step consists (11) considering the alternatives for a solution. A common way to evaluate alternatives is to write them (12) and then make a list (13) advantages and disadvantages for each solution. Here again, people may be limited by prior experiences. Often people adopt mental sets (14) lead them to the same problem-solving strategies that were successful for problems (15) the past. Although that can be helpful most (16) the time, sometimes a new situation requires a different strategy. (17) that case, the mental set must be abandoned, (18) new alternatives must be explored.
After the alternatives have been compared, a strategy must be selected (19) among them. One way to avoid becoming mired in the options is (20) try the best option with a view to abandoning it for another (21) the results are unfavorable. This attitude allows many people to move on expeditiously (22) the next step—action. The strategy selected must be implemented and tested. If it solves the problem, no further action is necessary, but if (23) , then the cycle begins again, starting (24) problem identification. By continuing to review the problem (25) repeat the problem-solving steps, the solution can be improved upon and refined.
