
在与 * * 国际中断联系的情况下,独立自主地做出一系列重大决策,在极度危急的情况下挽



在与 * * 国际中断联系的情况下,独立自主地做出一系列重大决策,在极度危急的情况下挽救了党,挽救了红军,挽救了中国革命,是党的历史上一个生死攸关的转折点,以毛 * * 为核心的党中央的正确领导开始确立,标志着中 * * 党在政治上走向成熟的会议是指







本题考查的是遵义会议。遵义会议确立了以毛 * * 为核心的党中央的正确领导,挽救了党,挽救了红军,挽救了中国革命,是党的历史上一个生死攸关的转折点,故选C。



     WHO would have thought a man who lived in the Stone Age would be dressed in clothes made in China? A

thousand-year-old mummy (木乃伊), nicknamed (绰号) Otzi the Iceman was wearing a Chinese jacket, latest

research has found. But where and how he got the jacket has become a topic of great debate.

     Otzi is the nickname of a well-preserved (保存完好的) mummy from about 3,300 BC. He was found in

1991 in the Otztal Valley in the Alps, near the border between Austria and Italy. Two German tourists, Helmut

and Erika Simon found him when they were climbing.

     Otzi was thought to be the body of a soldier who fought during WWI but was found to be thousands of years

older. Analyzing Otzi showed that the items with him were all of different ages. His arrows are 7,000 years

old, the axe (斧头) belonged to a time hundreds of years later and the skin in which the man was dressed

originally belonged to a goat that lived in China. Otzi's tattoo (纹身) shows that he might have been a wizard

(男巫), according to Prauda, the official newspaper in Russia.

     There are still many mysteries surrounding Otzi, yet the most famous and frightening one is his curse

(诅咒). It is said that Otzi had mystic powers and those who trouble his dead body will be doomed (注定) to

die. Otzi has claimed seven people so far. With the death of several people who have touched the remains of

the ancient man, the "Otzi curse" mystery has snowballed.

1. In this passage, the writer suggests that ______.

A. we should not go to the Alps because many people died there

B. many people that have studied Otzi have died

C. Otzi is an Egyptian mummy, found on the Alps

D. Otzi is Chinese, because of the clothing he was wearing

2. The underlined word "snowballed" in the last sentence means that _____.

A. people pay their respect to the dead by throwing snowballs

B. people who have touched Otzi's body have often died shortly after being hit with snowballs

C. the mystery around the curse gets larger and larger, like a snowball rolling down a hill

D. Otzi was found buried with many snowballs that scientists agree may have been used

     as weapons in the time when Otzi was alive

3. In the passage, which of the following statements is NOT mentioned?

A. Otzi was wearing a jacket, made of the skin of a goat that lived in China.

B. Helmut and Erika Simon discovered Otzi in the Alps in 1991.

C. Helmut was the seventh victim of Otzi's curse.

D. Otzi is said to have mystic powers.

4. What is the best title of the passage?

A. The Curse of the Iceman

B. A Great Discovery

C. A Well-preserved Mummy

D. A Man Who Lived in the Stone Age


A、B、C、D、E、F均为短周期元素,且原子序数依次增大。A、E同主族,B、C 同周期且相邻,A、C的质子数之和等于D的质子数,A+与D2-的核外电子数之 和等于E+的核外电子数,C原子与E+的核外电子数之和等于F原子的核外电子数。试回答下列问题:





(5)E和F可组成化合物丁。用惰性电极电解丁的水溶液一段时间后,假设生成的气体全部从体系中逸出,要使电解后的溶液完全复原,须向溶液中加入_________________ (填物质名称)。
