







今年,我们将迎来建国60周年。60年沧桑巨变,我国社会主义建设事业取得巨大成就。尤其是改革开放30年来,我国经济社会更是快速发展。国内生产总值年均增长超过9﹪,远高于同期世界经济3.3﹪左右的增长速度,截至2008年底我国国内生产总值已达到30.067万亿元,经济总量跃居世界第三位,综合国力与人民生活水平有了奇迹般的提升。不仅如此,我国在政治建设、文化建设、社会建设、生态文明建设方面也取得了巨大成就。但是,我国经济社会发展过程中也面临着一些突出问题,如经济增长的资源环境代价过大,城乡、区域经济社会发展不平衡,整体科技水平不高等。今天,我们要继续推进中国特色社会主义事业,就必须坚持以邓 * * 理论、“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观。科学发展观第一要义是发展,发展是解决中国一切问题的“总钥匙”。






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Last Sunday, I waked into the house in the afternoon to find my brother rushing around in a hurry. As soon as I took my coat off, my little brother placed a bunch of papers in my hands and asked me to fold them up so they could fit into an envelope as quickly as possible. He said it needed to get done quickly before it turned dark.

I was a little surprised that something could be so urgent on a Sunday. It wasn’t until I was halfway through that I actually looked at what I was folding. After I read it, it put the biggest smile on my face. It was a lovely letter to all the residents (居民)in my neighborhood. My brother was asking everyone to let him know if anyone needed help. He left his contact information and said that anyone that needed help should get in touch with him and he would figure something out. He also asked people to get in touch if they were able to help out.

London received an unusual amount of snow last week, and the city was completely under- prepared for it. So it was quite difficult to get anywhere. Only the major roads had been cleared, and smaller roads and pavements could be quite treacherous. There are a good number of old people in our little community. So my brother thought that the snow may have posed (造成)some difficulty for some of them, particularly because we live on a hill.

A few elderly people got in touch with him asking for help for things they needed. One of them was especially grateful because his caregiver couldn’t make it. To our surprise, he got more responses from people offering to help. Then he received help from people who wanted to help. Everyone was really touched and wrote to my brother wonderful email. One of our neighbors wrote email saying that although she wasn’t able to help, she was “very proud of having a neighbor like him who puts other people’s interests first.”

小题1:The author’s brother wrote the letter to _______.

A.ask for help from his neighbors

B.give a hand to those in need of help

C.require his neighbors to clear the snow

D.raise money for the old people in his community小题2:What can we learn from the text?

A.Few people were willing to help out.

B.The snow was unexpectedly heavy.

C.Most residents in the community are elderly people.

D.The community was completely cut off from the outside world.小题3:The underlined word “treacherous” in Paragraph 3 probably means “_______”.




D.crowded小题4: One of their neighbors sent email to the author’s brother to ________.

A.express thanks

B.lend a hand

C.show appreciation

D.ask for help



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