
产生卵细胞,形成受精卵,胚胎发育,胎儿与母体物质交换的场所分别是[] A.卵巢、



产生卵细胞,形成受精卵,胚胎发育,胎儿与母体物质交换的场所分别是[     ]


B.卵巢、 * * 、子宫、胎盘




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42000 热传递 小于分析:(1)根据Q吸=cm△t计算水吸收的热量,太阳的能量是通过热传递传给水的;(2)在质量和温度变化量相同时,由于煤油的比热容比水的小,故煤油吸收的热量少.解答:解:(1)水吸收的热量...

     My grandmother's eightieth birthday was approaching and I was at a loss as to what to give her. She
had recently moved into a nursing home and didn't have room for  1   things. She insisted that she didn't
need a thing.
      2  , I came up with an idea. In her   3   card, I sent her a gift certificate (礼券) for "A letter a   4   for
the next year!" It was a big   5  . I knew that she'd love to   6   what was going on in my life.
     The letter gift certificate was a big   7   . She got fifty-two letters that first year. Some were   8   and
filled with homesickness. Others were short and newsy. More than once what she   9   was just a funny
card with a few short  10  . All showed her that I was thinking of her regularly.
       11   her next birthday came around, she asked for another letter gift certificate.   12  , that's also
what she wanted next eight birthdays.
     For nine years I wrote her. She was rarely able to   13   back. I flew home annually to   14   and soon
realized that the entire nursing home staff knew all the details of my 15  , as more and more often they
were  16   the letters to her.
     My   17   letter arrived the day after her death. I felt I had given her the best gift I could. What I hadn't counted on (指望) was how her gift would come full circle to me.
     Months later, while   18   her things, my dad found a box full of letters from me. Those letters were
filled with moments and pictures I had completely forgotten. She   19   those memories for me in my letters. Sometimes our gifts to others come back to us in   20   ways.
( )1. A. lovely    
( )2. A. Finally    
( )3. A. invitation  
( )4. A. month      
( )5. A. lie        
( )6. A. face      
( )7. A. joke      
( )8. A. long      
( )9. A. sold      
( )10. A. notes    
( )11. A. Although    
( )12. A. In fact  
( )13. A. turn      
( )14. A. work      
( )15. A. life      
( )16. A. writing  
( )17. A. short    
( )18. A. seeing through
( )19. A. saved    
( )20. A. practical  
B. expensive  
B. Hopefully  
B. Christmas  
B. week        
B. deal      
B. feel      
B. hit      
B. boring      
B. sent      
B. questions  
B. As        
B. In general  
B. write      
B. hunt      
B. husband    
B. sending    
B. handwriting  
B. going through
B. lost      
B. funny      
C. extra    
C. Fortunately
C. greeting  
C. day    
C. problem  
C. hear    
C. mistake  
C. interesting
C. received  
C. tips    
C. If      
C. After all  
C. step    
C. visit  
C. vacation  
C. handing  
C. open      
C. throwing away
C. broke    
C. unexpected
D. unimportant      
D. Surprisingly    
D. birthday        
D. season          
D. promise          
D. tell            
D. challenge        
D. formal          
D. held            
D. lines            
D. Unless          
D. Above all        
D. look            
D. cook            
D. business        
D. reading          
D. last            
D. taking away      
D. refreshed        
D. similar          

新建生产线主要原辅料消耗是冷轧汽车板、溶剂和涂料等,其中溶剂和涂料年用量2000 t(甲苯平均含量1.8%,二甲苯平均含量9.2%)。涂装车间工艺和现有厂区一样,为喷漆—晾干—烘干。主要废气污染源是涂装车间的烘干室、晾干室和喷漆室产生的含有机物的废气,主要污染物是甲苯和二甲苯,其中,喷漆室废气采用水旋喷漆室进行净化,废气中的漆雾分别经水幕阻挡和吸收过滤去除后,经风机从排气筒排放至室外,漆雾净化的循环水中加入了漆的凝聚剂,净化率>80%,外排二甲苯19.6t/a,甲苯量5.2t/a;烘干室排出的热废气进入燃烧装置,燃烧装置对有机物的净化率>90%,外排二甲苯7t/a,甲苯量0.6t/a;晾干室二甲苯排放量12.8t/a,甲苯3.5t/a,直接通过管道送排气筒外排。以上废气汇合后均经过1根28m高排气筒外排,废气总量30万m3/h,年运行时间300天,每天工作24小时。本项目生产工艺废水主要来自涂装车间,包括脱脂清洗废水、磷化清洗废水、电泳清洗废水和喷漆废水,主要污染物为COD、石油类、总镍、总锌和六价铬,排入厂区污水综合处理站与其他废水混合后,经生化处理进入城市污水处理厂,产生的工业固体废物有漆渣、磷化滤渣,污水处理站的污泥。目前,现有厂区COD排放总量尚不能满足当地环保局批复的总量指标,待新厂建成后,老厂区全部淘汰可满足总量要求。

