
压井过程中,是通过调节()来控制井底压力不变。A、放喷法 B、平板阀 C、节流阀








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(1 )                       ,人死,则曰:“非我也,岁也。”(《寡人之于国也》)

(2 )袅袅兮秋风,洞庭波兮木叶下。                                         。(屈原《湘夫人》) (3 )悦亲戚之情话,           。农人告余以春及,                      。(陶渊明《归去来兮辞》)

(4 )江间波浪兼天涌,                  。丛菊两开他日泪,                   。( 杜甫《秋兴八首》其一)

(5 )              ,忧愁风雨,               。(辛弃疾《水龙吟·登建康赏心亭》)


王小帅上班途中拾得一个皮包,内装发票、现金等财物。王小帅在现场等候了一会儿,未见失主,就携包上班。次日王小帅见报纸上登了一则启事,写明“如有拾得者,酬谢2千元”。王小帅见失主所寻找的正是自己拾得的皮包,便将皮包返还给失主。但在王小帅向失主请求酬金时,被失主拒绝。依《物权法》的规定,王小帅应当享有哪些权利、负有哪些义务?( )



We need to make better use of our resources. In developing countries we have more than enough, if we are less wasteful in our ways. Fortunately, we can improve. The challenge lies not so much with ‘technical fixes’ but with our approach to our world around us. In the recent past we were in a “Wild West” economy, supposing that there would always be enough resources. Now we know there are no new Earth to explore and exploit; one image to illustrate this is to think of Earth as a spaceship, where most materials have to be recycled. For us, “moving on” will be a case of leaving behind the throwaway society and advancing to a conserver society.

To qualify as citizens of a conserver society, we must change traditional attitudes and thinking. We need to recognize that there is not very often such a thing as “waste”, rather, there are materials which sometimes end up in the wrong place. The change has already begun. The European steel industry reuses scrap(废弃的)metal, resulting in an energy saving of up to 50% . Recycling a glass container saves only 18%; but, in parts of the United States, a citizen buying a bottle of soda or beer now pays a deposit against return of the empty bottle.

If all drink containers in the USA were to be reused, the annual saving would be 0.5 million tons glass, plus about 50 million barrels of oil used in production processes. In Japan, OPEC promoted an increase in recycling of raw materials from 16% to 48% in just five years. In Norway, the price of a new car includes a disposal cost element of about 100 dollars, redeemable(可换成现款的)when the junked car is turned in at an approved receiving center.

Major new businesses are trying to exploit waste chemicals and oil. The Chinese claim to reuse 2.5 million tons of scrap iron and at least one million tons of waste paper each year. In the main, the conserver society depends on the commitment of individuals. But they can be encouraged by government incentive(鼓励) and punishment, which should apply at least as strongly to industry and other commercial interests.

73  Which of the following best expresses the meaning of “a conserver society” in the second paragraph?

A. A wasteful society.

B. A society which thinks of  ways of recycling waste materials.

C. A society which keeps everything.

D. A society which saves electricity.

74  In the last paragraph, the author suggests governments _______.

A. depends on individuals to find ways of conserving energy.

B. find ways of encouraging those industries and individuals who conserve energy and of punishing those who don’t.

C. depend on companies to find ways of saving energy and rewarding workers

D. help establish businesses that will exploit waste materials

75  In this passage the author _______.

A. explains that meaning of the “Wild West” economy

B. tells us what recycled materials are.

C. teaches us how to recycle materials.

D. recommend a change in our use of resources strongly
