
第二节完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意





There is a story told about how Neil set about winning over one particular boy.The boy was always causing trouble and clearly regarded all teachers   36 a hostile eye.On one occasion, Neil, out taking a   37 , had just rounded a corner when he came across the boy playing on his own.The boy, not noticing he was no longer   38 , picked up a stone and threw it through one of the school windows.Turning, he saw Neil.Instead of finding himself   39  at angrily as he expected, the boy was   40   to see Neil bend down, pick up a stone and hurl it at another window.The boy had to   41  to get the window repaired, so did Neil.  42  he thought this a small price to pay for   43   a bond between himself and the boy, whose   44 improved afterwards.

Neil was a remarkable character who knew just when to be   45  and just when to adopt a lighter touch when handling children.Not everyone is so   46 .Willie Russell, the   47 , likes to talk about the time when he had freshly   48  from teacher training college and had just begun to work as a teacher.On his first day at the school he was left to do playground duty on his own, rather a(n)   49  experience for one so new to the job.Surrounded by children at morning break, he turned to see one of the children throwing a stone at a school window.When the boy saw that he had been   50   by a teacher, his face fell.  51  for this boy, Russell remembered the story about Neil.Stooping down he picked up a stone and propelled(投掷) it through another window.Turning to smile proudly at the boy his satisfaction was suddenly shattered by the sound of dozens of windows being   52  by flying stones.

Unfortunately he had failed to take into account the difference between his   53  and the one which Neil had faced, namely that he and the boy were not alone.It was at this point in his career that Russell decided that perhaps he was not quite cut out to be a teacher. Deciding after this that he was not suited to teaching he left to   54  playwriting.Most of his plays are very imaginative and  55 .A bit like this story, in fact.

36.A.by     B.in      C.with  D.through

37.A.rest   B.exam C.walk  D.trip

38.A.seen  B.alone C.lonely       D.heard

39.A.shouted    B.stared       C.pointed     D.come

40.A.excited     B.surprised   C.satisfied    D.frightened

41.A.punish      B.pay   C.agree D.propose

42.A.As    B.While       C.Even if     D.But

43.A.breaking   B.making     C.establishing      D.showing

44.A.character  B.behavior   C.condition  D.grades

45.A.still   B.kind  C.calm  D.firm

46.A.humorous B.strange     C.successful D.clever

47.A.student     B.headmaster       C.playwright       D.teacher

48.A.graduated B.walked     C.studied     D.dismissed

49.A.exciting    B.challenging      C.surprising D.interesting

50.A.blamed     B.stopped     C.met   D.spotted

51.A.Generally B.Fortunately      C.Obviously D.Usually

52.A.hit    B.knocked   C.cleaned     D.brushed

53.A.condition  B.position    C.situation   D.occupation

54.A.pick up     B.take up     C.make up   D.put up

55.A.funny       B.serious      C.realistic    D.critical


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   C   由电荷守恒易得:c()×2=c(Al3+)×3+c(Mg2+)×2,所以答案为C。

题型:多项选择题 案例分析题

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