
第一次把毛 * * 思想作为党的指导思想载入 * * 的是A.中共六大 B.中共七大 C.中共八



第一次把毛 * * 思想作为党的指导思想载入 * * 的是






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参考答案:A, D, E



(1)借古讽今、针砭时事常常成为古人写作文章的目的。杜牧在《阿房宫赋》中感叹道:“呜呼!灭六国者六国也,非秦也;        ①          ,非天下也。”借秦灭亡的教训讽喻唐敬宗广建宫室的穷奢极侈。苏洵在《六国论》中悲叹道:“悲夫!有如此之势,       ②         ,日削月割,以趋于亡。”用六国破灭的教训针砭北宋赂辽的现实。

(2)古人常用香草美人来比喻明君贤臣美政,《离骚》中说“        ③        ,恐美人之迟暮”,《赤壁赋》则说“       ④        ,望美人兮天一方”。

(3)我国明代杰出的戏剧家   ⑤   ,被誉为“东方的莎士比亚”,他的代表作《牡丹亭》描写了贫寒书生柳梦梅和太守之女杜丽娘的爱情故事。爱尔兰作家萨缪尔?贝克特以他的名作《     ⑥     》奠定了他在荒诞戏剧的地位,于1969年获得诺贝尔文学奖。


Bush’s MBA

Twenty-six of 42 presidents, including Bill Clinton, were lawyers. Seven were generals. George W. Bush becomes the first with an MBA.
Those who have had Bush for a boss since the mid-1980s—in the (1) of oil, baseball and Texas state government—describe his management (2) as straight from the pages of the organizational-behavior (3) he studied while getting his masters of business administration (4) at Harvard University in 1975.
He manages by what is known (5) "walking around," having learned that sitting behind a desk and passing out memos does (6) to energize anyone.
He has a reputation for fueling "creative tension" (7) his subordinates, encouraging them to take and defend opposing (8) . That sacrifices harmony, but puts ideas to the test and lets Bush (9) above the fray, where he can offer guidance instead of barking (10) . Imagine the creative tension that may erupt (11) the likes of Secretary of State-designate Colin Powell and Defense Secretary— (12) Donald Rumsfeld.
Above all, former employees say that he is a master at delegating (13) installing measures of accountability—ways of knowing (14) subordinates are getting the job done without looking (15) any shoulders. That frees Bush for strategic thinking—perhaps (16) two words hammered into MBA students most—which means thinking (17) to seize opportunities and to derail threats to the best of plans.
"George was my (18) ," says Tom Schieffer, who served as president of the Texas Rangers under Bush (19) 1991 and 1995. "But he never made me feel that way. He went out of his way to treat me as a (20) , not a subordinate."
That’s one trait that might be of concern, says Michael Useem, director of the Wharton Center for Leadership and Change at the University of Pennsylvania. It’s important for subordinates to feel part of the team, but not just because the boss craves popularity. Just as in the military, it must be understood who is in charge when the final order is given.
