



2011年3月14日9时,十一届全国人大四次会议举行闭幕会,表决并通过了关于《国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要的决议草案》,党和国家制定这一规划纲要的根本依据是[ ]






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多家支付公司对外证实,中国人民银行(央行)支付司前日召集10余家主要的个 人网络支付公司和若干银行,重申停止对比特币的取现业务。到昨天为止,已经有包括支付宝、财付通等多家支付公司表示停止相关业务。消息一出,比特币比上周下挫20%多。没有了支付公司的清算托管服务,比特币在中国的日子将会越来越难过。


  Driving while talking on a hand-held mobile phone has long been considered a danger. But even drivers who use hands free devices are a nuisance – because they are slowing everyone else down, according to a study.

David Strayer, a psychology professor in Utah University’s traffic lab, conducted a study involving 36 university students driving on motorways. Each used a hands free phone for half the trip but not for the other half. The students were told to obey posted speed limits and use turn signals but the rest of the driving decisions were up to them . What Strayer found is that when the drivers were distracted(使分心)by a phone conversation , they made fewer lane(车道) changes, drove slower and took longer to get where they were going. Fellow researcher Professor Peter Martin, who teaches civil and environmental engineering at Utat University, said,“Ordinarily a slower driver should be safer , but that’s not the case when people are talking on a cell phone.”

In general , drivers who used mobile phones while driving took three percent longer to drive along the same high-density route than drivers who didn’t. When stuck behind a dawdling(磨蹭的) driver , it took them between 25 and 50 seconds longer to switch to an open lane to overtake. Those delays can add up when you consider studies that suggest as many as 10 percent of US drivers are using a cell phone at any one time. And delays in traffic streams of very small amounts can grow into massively when drivers are crossing a  highway.” Our next step is to use computer models to determine just how much those delays are costing drivers in time and in extra fuel costs,” Martrin said.

63. What does the underlined word in the first paragraph mean?

A. A person who is a volunteer.         B. A person who breaks the traffic law

C. A person who is annoyed by others.   D. A person who causes trouble

64. Which of the following is TRUE , according to Martin?

A. The more slowly a person drove, the safer he was.

B. Measures should be taken to stop using mobile phones.

C. Drivers using hand-held phones had less effect on traffic than those using hands free phones

D. Driving while using mobile phones could cost drivers time and money.

65. The passage is mainly about      .

A. traffic conditions in rush hours 

B. the use of mobile phones in the USA

C. using hands free devices behind the wheel

D. a comparison between hand-held phones and hands free ones
