
第三部分:阅读(共两节,满分40分) 第一节:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,






He has lived through various dangers but time may be running out for the Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat.

On September 11, Israel announced its decision to remove him, following several Palestinian suicide bomb attacks on Israel. “He should be punished for the killings,” an Israeli official said, “He has done nothing to stop the terrorist groups.”

But the decision has angered many other countries. China said that Arafat is the true leader, elected by the Palestinian people, and removing him would harm the peace in the Middle East. Other governments share this idea.

Arafat himself said: “They can kill me, but never get me out of my country.” He has spent most of his life in danger as the most important aim of Israel. But, just like a cat with nine lives, Arafat escaped every time.

For years he has made a practice of sleeping in a different bed each night, thinking a moving person is harder to hit. In 1985, Israel sent fighter planes to kill Arafat. The wild bombing destroyed his office in Tunis but Arafat himself was unhurt. In 1992, the aircraft in which he was flying over North Africa broke in two during a crash landing. The pilot was killed but he managed to remain alive.

What is so unbelievable is that he always remains calm in great danger.

Israeli tanks and planes attacked his office building in Ram Allah in December 2001. When they saw the attackers coming, Arafat’s bodyguards ignored his orders to stay still and carried him to safety underground. Seconds later, several bombs were dropped nearby. Though safe, his bodyguards were so frightened that they were wet in sweat.

But, Arafat, with Israeli tanks only 200 meters away, showed no fear at all. He stayed in the damaged office, talking by phone with foreign leaders in hope of preventing further attacks from Israel.

All these experiences have made him a beloved leader to his people and an enemy to some others.

But has he used up the last of his nine lives? Only time will tell.

41.  Which of the following statements cannot be used to describe Arafat?

A.He went to visit a few foreign countries last year.

B.He is not afraid of death in face of his enemy.

C.His office used to be in Tunis.

D.He remained alive during an air crash in 1992.

42.  According to the passage, which statement is true?

A.In 1992, Arafat’s plane crashed in South Africa.

B.Israeli officers thought Arafat himself sent the terrorist groups to Israel.

C.China is the only country against Israel’s decision of removing Arafat.

D.Being Palestinian leader, Arafat would rather die in his own country than be driven away from his people.

43.  What did the author mean by saying “just like a cat has nine lives” when he talked about Arafat?

A.Arafat is as clever as a cat.

B.Arafat can live as long as a cat.

C.Arafat can stay alive after accidents or disasters as if he has nine lives.

D.Arafat should have died for at least 8 times.

44.  The underlined word “ignore” can be replaced by __________.

A.obey the instructions       B.take no notice of

C.pay much attention to     D.give out orders

45.  What’s the writer’s attitude towards Arafat’s future, judging from the last sentence of the passage?

A.Hopeful.   B.Interesting.      C.Satisfactory.     D.Doubtful.


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