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参考答案:C解析: 个人所有非营业用的房产免征房产税,ABD都属于营业用房屋,所以要征收房产税。



材料一 我们要竭尽自由人的义务,应当享受自由人的权利。我们要求普遍选举。为了避免富者利诱、有权有势者威胁等弊端,应当实行秘密投票……我们要求国会每年改选……普遍选举必能、也惟有它才能给国家带来真正的持久的和平,我们坚信它会带来繁荣。——1843年英国《全国请愿书》

材料二 所以夺取 * * 已成为工人阶级的伟大义务。工人们似乎已经了解到这一点,因为运动已在英、法、意、德等八国都同时活跃起来,并且同时采取了从政治上改组工人政党的步骤。——《国际工人协会成立宣言》

材料三 公社是现在惟一的 * * ,兹命令:第一条 一切公务部门的职工今后必须确认凡尔赛政府或其拥护者所发出的命令或通知为无效,无法律效力。第二条 凡不服从本法令的任何官吏或职工,将被立即开除。——1871年3月29日公社法令

材料四 在确定的日期内,同时组织大规模的国际性的示威游行,这样,在世界各国和各个城市,在规定的同一天,劳动者都能向执政当局提出要求:用法律限制工作日不得超过八小时……5月1日这一天就规定为国际示威游行日。——某工人组织成立大会的有关决定










     The passengers on the bus watched sympathetically(同情地) as the attractive young woman with the
white cane(拐杖) made her way carefully up the steps. She paid the driver and, used her hands to   1  
the  location of the seats, walked down the aisle(过道) and found the seat he'd told her was   2 . Then
she settled in(坐下) ,placed her briefcase on her lap and
   3   her cane against her leg.
   It had been a year since Susan, 34, became   4  . Due to a medical misdiagnosis, she was
suddenly    5   into a world of darkness, anger, frustration and self-pity. Mark, her husband,    6  her to
work each day, even though they worked at   7   ends of the city.  Soon, however, Mark realized the
arrangement wasn't  8  . Susan had to start taking the bus again. Just as he predicted, Susan was  9  at
the idea of taking the bus again. "How am I  10   to know where I am going? I feel like you're abandoning
me," she responded bitterly. Mark taught her how to rely on her other   11  , specifically her hearing, to
determine where she was and how to    12  to her new environment. Monday morning arrived, they went
their   13  ways for the first time.
     On Friday morning, Susan took the bus to work as usual. As she was paying, the driver said, "I sure
do   14   you. "Curious, she asked the driver, "Why?"
     The driver responded, "It must feel     15  to be taken care of and protected like you are. " " What do
you mean?" she asked.
     The driver answered, "You know, every morning for the past week, a fine-looking gentleman in a
military uniform has been   16   across the corner watching you as you get off the bus. He makes sure
you cross the street   17  and he watches until you enter your office building. Then he blows you a kiss,
gives you a little salute and walks away. " Tears of happiness poured down Susan's cheeks. For   18  she
couldn't physically see him, she had always felt Mark's presence. He had given her a gift more powerful
than   19  , a gift she didn't need to see to  20  -the gift of love that can bring light where there is darkness.
( )1. A. feel      
( )2. A. nice      
( )3. A. carried    
( )4. A. deaf      
( )5. A. going      
( )6. A. forced    
( )7. A. opposite  
( )8. A. working    
( )9. A. excited    
( )10. A. pleased  
( )11. A. friends  
( )12. A. change    
( )13. A. strange  
( )14. A. envy      
( )15. A. sorry    
( )16. A. sitting  
( )17. A. happily  
( )18. A. although  
( )19. A. money    
( )20. A. believe  
B. use        
B. taken      
B. rested      
B. blind      
B. advised    
B. some        
B. determined  
B. horrified  
B. told        
B. drivers    
B. turn        
B. funny      
B. protect    
B. good        
B. expecting  
B. safely      
B. if          
B. help        
B. hope        
C. draw      
C. safe      
C. took      
C. weak      
C. getting  
C. got      
C. usual    
C. going    
C. puzzled  
C. supposed  
C. senses    
C. devote    
C. separate  
C. love      
C. relaxing  
C. working  
C. quickly  
C. when      
C. sight    
C. buy      
D. control    
D. empty      
D. held      
D. angry      
D. thrown    
D. drove      
D. far        
D. giving    
D. moved      
D. taught    
D. organs    
D. adapt      
D. standing  
D. watch      
D. nervous    
D. standing  
D. silently  
D. before    
D. tears      
D. take      