



2008年元月,一场突如其来的特大冰雪灾害,袭击着我国南方地区,中国人民以气吞山河的气概,不屈不挠的精神,血战到底的勇气,一举夺得抗击冰雪灾害的彻底胜利。这告诉我们中学生[ ]

①国家兴亡,匹夫有责 ②国家处在困难时刻,最能考验公民的责任意识 ③主动为国分忧,勇挑重担,与国家共渡难关是我们义不容辞的责任 ④只有社会主义才能救中国






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(1)小明发现杠杆右端低左端高,要使它在水平位置平衡,应将杠杆右端的平衡螺母向 ____ 调节.小明调节杠杆在水平位置平衡的主要目的是 _________________________________________

(2)实验过程中,在杠杆的两侧挂上钩码后,仍要使杠杆在水平位置平衡,是为了 _____________________________,如杠杆不在水平位置平衡时,应通过调节钩码的 ____  _____ 来实现,而不能再调节 __________

(3)如图所示,用弹簧测力计在C处竖直向上拉时测力计的示数为 ___N(每个钩码重0.5N),当弹簧测力计逐渐向右倾斜时,使杠杆仍然在水平位置平衡,则弹簧测力计的示数将_______ (选填“变大”、“变小”或“不变”),其原因是___________



My grandfather took me to the fish pond on the farm when I was seven. He told me to throw a__21____into the water. And he told me to watch the____22___created by the stone. Then he asked me to__ 23__ of myself as that stone.

“You may24 lots of splashes (飞溅 ) in your life,___ 25___the waves that come from those splashes will ___26____the peace of all your fellow___27_____,”he said.

“Remember that you are ___28____for what you put in your circle and that the circle will also___29____many other circles. You will need to live in the ___30____that allows the good that comes from your circle to ___31____the peace of that goodness to___32____. The splash that comes from anger or jealousy will send those___33_____to other circles. You are responsible for____34_____.”

That was the first time I ___35_____each person creates the inner peace or discord (冲突) that ____36_____out into the world. We cannot create world peace if we are ___37____with inner conflicts, hatred, ____38______, or anger. We radiate (流露) the feelings and thoughts that we hold ____39_____,whether we speak them out or not. Whatever is splashing around inside of us is spilling out into the world, creating beauty or discord with all other circles of life.

We are ____40_____to everything and everyone else around in the universe.

21. A. stick    B. brick     C. stone      D. ball

22. A. holes    B. circles    C. drops      D. waters

23. A. think    B. accuse    C. regard     D. warn

24. A. produce  B. damage   C. prevent    D. create

25. A. but      B. because   C. while      D. for

26. A. cut      B. disturb    C. bring      D. block

27. A. students  B. friends    C. creatures   D. workers

28. A. proud    B. helpful    C. respectful   D. responsible

29. A. hear     B. leave      C. strike      D. touch

30. A. family   B. situation    C. way       D. hurry

31. A. send     B. provide    C. destroy     D. keep

32. A. them     B. nobody    C. someone    D. others

33. A. tastes     B. smells     C. feelings    D. views

34. A. all       B. both       C. neither     D. any

35. A. realized   B. recognized   C. admitted   D. promised

36. A. flows     B. takes       C. picks       D. brings

37. A. prepared   B. filled      C. presented    D. supplied

38. A. honesty    B. truth       C. doubt      D. modesty

39. A. forward    B. outside     C. inside      D. upward  

40. A. referred    B. intended    C. devoted    D. connected
