
阅读材料,回答问题。 【材料一】会议集中全力纠正了当时中央主要负责人在军事上和组




【材料一】 会议集中全力纠正了当时中央主要负责人在军事上和组织上的错误,增选毛 * * 为中央政治局常委。会后确定军事上由毛 * * 、周恩来等负责指挥。


【材料二】 新中国成立后至中共十一届三中全会前,党所犯严重错误主要有三,经济建设急于求成,所有制结构急于求纯,阶段斗争扩大化,这些错误给党、国家和人民还来巨大损失,但这些错误都是在探索中发生的,失误原因也很复杂,要具体、细致地分析。



(3)综合分析以上材料,说明中 * * 党具有怎样的能力?(6分)


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     The best way to have a successful job interview is to prepare for it. Too many people walk into an interview

without knowing as much as they should about the industry, the company and its problems, so follow these


     Know the company. Find out as much as you can about the position the company and its needs, so that you

can show how your background meets those needs. Telephone the receptionist and ask for the company's

booklets. Learn about the company at your local library and on the Internet.

     Know yourself. Mentally review the skills and character you have that will help the company's bottom line.

Think of the value you can add to the position and the company.

     Know your job history. Mentally review your past achievements and be prepared to describe your work

experience in detail. Gather letters of reference and examples of your work to present to the interviewer as proof

of your past achievements. Practise describing your experience and achievements at each job.

     Know the questions. You can almost certainly be asked, "Tell me about yourself." Answer this question

from the employer's point of view. Ask yourself, "If I were hiring someone for this position, what would I want

to know?" Then answer these questions. And be ready for hard ones, too. Think of the worst question you could

be asked about your experience and abilities, and prepare positive (积极的) answers.

     Prepare questions of your own. Employers are as interested in your questions as they are ____. And they'll

react favorably if you ask intelligent questions.

1. What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)


2. Which sentence can be replaced by me following one? Think of how valuable you are to the job and the 



3. Please fill in the blank with proper words or phrases. (Please answer within 10 words.) 


4. Is it important to know a company before a job interview? Why? (Please answer within 30 words.) 


5. Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese. 

