










解析:除国务院规定的投资公司和控股公司外,公司对外转投资的累积数额不得超过本公司净资产的50%。本例中,公司净资产总额为1亿元,则转投资的累积数额最高为5000万元,又因该公司曾对外投资了 2000万元,虽然转增资本2000万元,但这个不算在内,因而该公司再次转投资不得超过 3000万元。参见《公司法》第12条:"公司可以向其他有限责任公司、股份有限公司投资,并以该出资额为限对所投资公司承担责任。   公司向其他有限责任公司、股份有限公司投资的,除国务院规定的投资公司和控股公司外,所累计投资额不得超过本公司净资产的百分之五十,在投资后,接受被投资公司以利润转增的资本,其增加额不包括在内。"


Lots of students shop to reduce stress or just to kill time with their friends. Shopping to get rid of boredom or to escape from life’s pressures may lead to serious problems. When you start to shop out of control, you become a shopping addict.

Shopping addicts show signs that are similar to other addicts. Some students think that shopping, even as little as buying gifts for classmates, can make them feel better and forget their problems. Actually, it can make them feel worse, guilty, or even cause them to run into financial difficulties. Finding yourself in a financial struggle or deep in debt may harm your relationships with friends and parents.

Do you go shopping for just a few things and come home with your wallet empty? Do you always go shopping after an emotional trauma or when life feels tough(艰难的)? Do you regret later what you buy? Or do you buy things that you never use? Maybe your parents or friends have expressed disagreement that leads you to hide items or lie about prices.

Avoid any environment that may make you want to spend money. Never use credit cards. Form some other meaningful and beneficial hobbies. Exercise, yoga and hot baths generally may help you not want to shop. Take a drive through the country where there aren’t any stores. Have patience with yourself and your money, which can benefit you for the rest of your life.

60. According to the passage, shopping addicts ______.

are always rich people             B. get well along with friends

C. may suffer financial difficulties      D. all the above

61. The third paragraph mainly tells about ______.

ways to get rid of shopping addiction

the signs of shopping addicts

the danger of shopping addiction

why shopping addicts can’t stop shopping

62. The underlined word “trauma” probably means “______”.

hurt       B. satisfaction      C. enjoyment    D. appreciation

63. The intended readers of the passage are ______.

teachers       B. doctors      C. students     D. education
