
采用外防外贴法铺贴卷材防水层,应( )。A.平面、立面同时铺贴 B.平面和立面相交



采用外防外贴法铺贴卷材防水层,应( )。






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参考答案:C解析: 企业短期借款的利息属于筹资费,应计入当期的财务费用。

     My son was badly hurt in a fire. After he   1   from a series of treatments, the doctors told him they
would not do any operation for six months   2   it took long for the skin to stop shrinking (收缩). So, he
had to return to college with a visible 10 inch   3   on his face.
     I said to my son,"Keaton,   4   will pay any more attention to your scar   5   you do.If it does not bother you, it will not bother    6  ." He took my advice to heart and returned to school with his head   7   highglad he was alive.
       8  , everyone has scars and shortcomings. Some of you may spend much time thinking that people
would like you better,   9   you looked different, or dressed differently, or could have a different and
newer  10  .    
     But you see, like Keaton's scar, people will only judge you by your looks, or your   11  , or your car, if you are judging yourself by these same false    12  .
     One of my friends in college was very    13  . At first, when people met him, they noticed his   14   for
about 10 seconds. This man felt   15   about himself and spent most of his time   16   about other people's comfort and welfare.   17  , people ignored his looks. What people   18   was his kindness and his concern for them.He didn't act in an ugly way so people didn't treat him as an ugly man.
     Therefore, concentrate on what you value   19   yourself, because if you can see that beautiful person,
everyone you are in contact with will see the same    20  .
( )1. A. cured    
( )2. A. because  
( )3. A. cut    
( )4. A. no one  
( )5. A. as    
( )6. A. another  
( )7. A. put    
( )8. A. After all  
( )9. A. as long as
( )10. A. house  
( )11. A. clothes  
( )12. A. means  
( )13. A. smart  
( )14. A. manners  
( )15. A. lucky    
( )16. A. inquiring
( )17. A. Completely
( )18. A. wanted    
( )19. A. within    
( )20. A. kindness  
B. recovered  
B. though    
B. wound    
B. anyone    
B. like      
B. others    
B. held      
B. In conclusion
B. if      
B. telephone  
B. hairstyle  
B. standards  
B. optimistic  
B. expressions  
B. worried  
B. asking    
B. Gradually  
B. understood  
B. beyond    
B. concern  
C. improved
C. until    
C. injury  
C. everyone
C. than    
C. all    
C. taken    
C. In fact  
C. even if  
C. job    
C. figure  
C. comments
C. rude  
C. looks    
C. good    
C. knowing  
C. Obviously
C. brought  
C. except  
C. beauty  
 D. returned    
D. before      
D. scar        
D. someone    
D. when        
D. us          
D. hung        
D. Above all  
D. as if      
D. car        
D. salary      
D. rules      
D. ugly        
D. actions    
D. sad        
D. caring      
D. Suddenly    
D. saw        
D. above      
D. perfection  

2005年初,黄小姐准备投资房地产,很快即相中了某房产公司开发的、座落于某市某区环城路的一套建筑面积约150平方米的商品房,尽管房产公司开出每平方米7000元的高价,但黄小姐仍爽快答应了,双方签订了一份认购书,黄小姐并当即支付了20万元,但关于该20万元款的性质认购书中只字未提。随着正式签约日期的临近,当初预订的房屋已升值了近30万元。可到了正式签约日期,房产公司却突然告知黄小姐,因其未按通知要求及时签约,故已将房屋出让给他人(且已办理预售登记),返还已交款20万元。该受让人为甲。 黄小姐听到这个消息后,即刻赶到房产公司查验该份通知,当即指出该通知上的签名根本不是其本人所写,双方因此发生争执。事后,经人指点,黄小姐给房产公司打了个电话,要求房产公司明确其所付款项的性质,电话里的房产公司工作人员表示其所付的款项为ding(音)金。黄小姐这次作了准备,将上述通知内容进行了录音。 带着这盘录音磁带,黄小姐走进法院,要求房产公司双倍返还购房定金共40万元。在庭审中,房产公司表示,电话中当事人口头所述的应该是"订金"而不是"定金"。同时,房产公司又拿出前述那份通知,指出违约的是黄小姐,是黄小姐没有按通知要求及时前来签约,故不同意黄小姐双倍返还已付款项的请求。应黄小姐申请,法院委托司法部司法鉴定中心对通知上黄小姐的签名进行鉴定,该中心出具了不是黄小姐所写的鉴定结论。至此,房产公司承认自己受高额利润诱惑,将房屋又高价出让给他人的事实,但还是不同意黄小姐关于已付款项适用定金罚则的要求。房产公司与黄小姐以及与甲签订的两份合同的效力的说法正确的是:




