
小明画了一条20 分米的射线。[ ]



小明画了一条20 分米的射线。  
[ ]


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项目 2009年 2010年
一、营业收入 200000 212000
减:营业成本 137000 139000
减:营业税金及附加 714 1420
销售和管理费用(不含折旧摊销) 40000 42000
折旧及长期资产摊销 12000 12720
财务费用 4000 5500
资产减值损失 1000 0
加:公允价值变动收益 0 20
加:投资收益 9000 0
二、营业利润 14286 11380
加:营业外收入 0 6800
减:营业外支出 0 0
三、利润总额 14286 18180
减:所得税 4286 5454
四、净利润 10000 12726
加:年初未分配利润 18000 23000
五、可供分配的利润 28000 35726
应付普通股股利 5000 6364
六、未分配利润 23000 29362
项目 2009年年末 2010年年末
货币资金 5200 5800
交易性金融资产 6000 0
应收账款 28600 31800
存货 44000 66000
其他流动资产 22600 15200
流动资产合计 106400 118800
长期股权投资 0 0
固定资产原值 140200 314128
累计折旧 14600 25000
固定资产净值 125600 289128
其他非流动资产 18000 16000
非流动资产合计 143600 305128
资产总计 250000 423928
短期借款 12800 21600
应付账款 17400 22800
预收账款 37800 49600
流动负债合计 68000 94000
长期借款 57050 188546
负债合计 125050 282546
股本 101950 112020
未分配利润 23000 29362
股东权益合计 124950 141382
负债及股东权益总计 250000 423928



某生活用品超市(一般纳税人),主营生活用品及食品零售,同时兼营快餐服务,该企业在财务核算上对商品销售收入和餐饮收入分别核算。2005年5月份该企业发生如下业务: (1)本月取得销售收入351000元(含税),餐饮收入8000元。 (2)以分期付款方式购进货物一批,取得销货方开具的增值税专用发票上注明的价款80000元、增值税额为13600元,发票已经税务机关认证。协议规定,货款分两期分别于5月、6月支付,本期已支付40000元。 (3)从农民手中购进水果一批,购进价30000元,已验收入库,并按规定开具收购凭证。 (4)购进空调器1台,由管理部门使用,取得的增值税发票上注明的金额4000元,税额680元。购进防伪税控收款机三台,取得的增值税发票上注明税额为1530元。 (5)将购进的水果发给本企业职工,账面成本8700元。 (6)从粮油加工企业(一般纳税人)购人面粉一批,全部用于餐饮经营。取得的增值税发票已经税务机关认证,发票注明的增值税额为8500元,货款已支付,面粉已验收入库。 (7)本月收回委托外单位加工的食品一批,应支付加工费4000元(不含税),加工食品已验收入库,收到受托方开来的增值税专用发票已经税务机关认证,加工费尚未支付。 (8)将本月购进的饮料发放职工50箱,用于餐饮经营20箱,每箱成本30元,对外零售价40元。 (9)上月购进的经营性货物被盗,金额50000元(其中含分摊的运输费用4650元)。 要求: (1)计算购进的水果发给本企业职工需转出进项税额; (2)计算本月业务其他需转出进项税额; (3)计算本月准予抵扣的进项税额; (4)计算本月的销项税额; (5)计算本月应纳增值税; (6)计算本月应纳营业税。


Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following talk.

Today we are going to talk about cross-cultural perceptions of time. Different cultures often have entirely different perceptions of time. The cultural anthropologist Edward T. Hall popularized the idea that cultures use time and view time in very different ways. The idea of the past, present, and future-- and the whole concept of scheduling or managing time--can be so different that it leads to cross-cultural miscommunications. In his 1990 book The Dance of Life, Hall writes, "Time is one of the fundamental bases on which all cultures rest and around which all activities revolve. Understanding the difference between mono-chronic time and poty-chronic time is essential to success. "

Hall’s notion of monochronism and polychronism can be understood as follows. Mono-chronic time is linear. Events are scheduled one at a time, one event following another. To a monochronic culture, this type of schedule is valued over interpersonal relationships. On the other hand, poly-chronic time is characterized by many things happening simultaneously. In addition, interpersonal relationships are highly valued in polychronic cultures.

Hall’s theory is that monochronic time can be found primarily in North American and Northern European cultures. These cultures emphasize schedules, punctuality, and preciseness. They also emphasize "doing" things. They are cultures that value productivity, that value getting things done "on time. " They view time as something that can be lost, kiiled, or wasted--or, conversely, they view time as something that can, or should, be managed, planned, and used efficiently.

Polychronic time, on the other hand, can be found primarily in Latin American, African, and Native American cultures. Their perception of time is more connected to natural rhythms. It is connected to the earth, to the seasons. This makes sense when we consider that natural events can occur spontaneously, sporadically, or concurrently. Polychronic cultures view time as being somewhat flexible. Since life isn’t so predictable scheduling and being precise simply isn’t that important. In addition, relationships with people are valued more than making schedules. There is more value placed on "being" than on "doing. "

Different cultural perceptions of time can lead to conflict, especially in the business world The idea of being late versus on time for a meeting, for example, might differ widely between an American businessperson and a Brazilian; the American businessperson might be far less tolerant of a Brazilian’ s late arrival. However, the Brazilian businessperson might be offended by an American’s insistence on punctuality, or on getting right down to business; the Brazilian would generally prefer to finish talking with colleagues first, and would not want to cut a conversation short in order to make an appointment.

Some traditional time management programs used in the business world might not translate well in another culture. Traditional time management programs in the business world emphasize to-do lists and careful scheduling. They are monochronic. However, a business in a polychronic culture might not adjust well to that system. Companies who impose these mono-chronic systems on places of business in polychronic cultures might be guilty of ethnocentrism, which means making their own ethnic or cultural values central and not valuing other values.

Edward Hall’s theory of monochronic and polychronic cultures has been challenged by some critics. Some people think it is overly general. They argue that within any cultural group we might find people who think of time differently. In other words, a primarily polychronic culture might have both monochronic and polychronic types of people. The same diversity among individuals might be found in a primarily monochronic culture. Critics of anthropologists like Edward Hall feel that it’s more useful to think of time differences among individuals, not just between cultural groups.

Question No. 16 Which of the following topics is the person talking about


A. Poly-chronic time is found primarily in North America and Northern Europe.

B. Poly-chronism views time as flexible, so preciseness is not that important.

C. Poly-chronic cultures emphasize schedules and punctuality.

D. Poly-chronic cultures value productivity and getting things done "on time".
