
水是生命之源,人类的日常生活与工农业生产都离不开水。 (1)净化水的方法有:①过




(1)净化水的方法有:①过滤 ②加明矾吸附沉降 ③蒸馏 ④消毒杀菌 ⑤活性炭吸附。要将混有泥沙的天然水净化成生活用的自来水,将所选用的方法按净化过程排序(填序号)                         


(3)若用过滤的方法在实验室净化一杯浑浊的河水,必须要使用的玻璃仪器有烧杯、漏斗和            ,该仪器的作用是                           

(4)如果地下水硬度大,或者坑水中病原微生物过多不能直接饮用,都可以采取        的方法,来降低硬度和杀灭病原微生物;生活中区分硬水和软水的常用方法是(写出操作方法、现象和结论)                                                                                   。



与试管2中电极相连的是电源的      (填“正”或“负”)极;

②该实验说明水是由                    组成的。



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Before you speak to any audience, you should learn as much about its members as possible. Only in that way can you best adapt the level of your language and the content of your talk to your listeners.

41. Speaking to someone you know well.__________

Where are you likely to speak Certainly, in this class you’ll give several talks, and since you know most, if not all, of the students, you should face no major problems in adapting your approach to them. Another speaking possibility exists in your workplace.

A third speaking possibility exists in any organization (social, cultural, athletic, and so on) that you belong to. You may be asked to speak at the next meeting or at the annual banquet. Here again, you know the people involved, their background, their education level, and their attitudes, and that’s a tremendous advantage for you. Since we’re upbeat and positive in this course, we’ll assume that you’ve given successful talks under all three circumstances, and with this course under your belt, you can do it again. Since good speakers are hard to find and word about them travels fast, suppose that one day you get an invitation to speak to an organization in which you don’t know a soul. What do you do now If you feel able to handle the topic you’re asked to speak on, accept this rare challenge. Here’s where audience analysis comes into play. Be sure to ask the person who invited you for information on the members, information that encompasses a broad spectrum, such as in the following areas.

42. How old are your listeners

43. Sex composition of your listeners.

44. Interest in topic.__________

45. Interests or hobbies of the listeners.__________

[A] If you’re invited to speak to a women’s or men’s organization, you know the answer to this question at once. Quite often, however, audiences are mixed fairly evenly, although at times one sex may predominate.

[B] Do members of your prospective audience spend evenings watching TV movies and drinking beer at a local tavern, or do they read the Harvard Classics and attend concerts of Beethoven and Mozart Do they play bingo and 21, or do they pursue the questions the intriguing intricacies of contract bridge and chess Answers to these questions can help you choose the most appropriate material and language for your audience. Your choices can be crucial in determining the success or failure of your presentation.

[C] Are the members recent college graduates, senior citizens, or business executives in midcareer Just remember, age exerts a powerful impact on people’s attitudes, values and motivations.

[D] For example, your department manager may ask you to explain and demonstrate a procedure to some fellow employee. Or she may select you to address your department on behalf of the local blood donor drive. In both speech situations—in class and on the job—you’re familiar with your audience; you speak their language; you have things in common with them.

[E] Are you aware of the educational background of your audience How many of them have doctoral degrees, master degrees or bachelor degrees This will decide what kind of language you should adopt and how much they can understand.

[F] Are the members of the organization interested in the topic or are they required to attend regardless of their interest If the latter is true, what types of material will most likely pique their curiosity

