
阅读说明文。辣 椒 世界上有些国家吃辣椒很厉害,如墨西哥、印度、匈牙利、朝鲜……



辣 椒
  植物病理学家曾用这种方法,测出甜椒的辣度为零,最辣的辣椒有300000斯克维尔。 ①辣椒能把人辣出眼泪、辣出鼻涕、辣出汗水,不爱吃辣椒的人不禁要问:“人们何苦要吃辣椒?”②这是因为吃辣椒有3个好处:一是它的营养丰富;二是能驱风散寒;三是能增进人的食欲。③每100克辣椒的维生素含量大于100毫克,在蔬菜中占首位。④此外,辣椒还含有维生素B1、B2、胡萝卜素以及其他营养物质。⑤谚语曰:“三个辣椒,顶件棉袄”。⑥辣椒中的辣椒素对人体具有刺激作用。⑦辣椒素一旦和舌头及嘴里的神经末梢接触,神经就迅速把“烧灼”信息传给大脑,大脑便让身体处于戒备状态,使心跳和脉搏加快,皮肤血管扩张,从而使人感到"发热"。⑧大脑还同时指挥胃液和唾液的分泌,使胃肠蠕动加快,这就有利于消化,增进食欲。
2.第2段介绍了辣椒的原产地、名称、__________、分类,还重点说明了辣椒的______ 。
    (1)辣椒营养丰富:_____(2)辣椒能驱风散寒:_______ (3)辣椒能促进食欲:________


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C 从图中所示骨器——石器——铁器的演化顺充进行思考。




Loving Kindness Is Twice Blessed

I felt gloomy (沮丧的) the other day. The weather had been dark and rainy, and I just didn’t feel so   36   .

As I was sitting at my desk, I   37   it was the birthday of a dear long-time friend — a single, middle-aged woman who has devoted the past 30 years to nursing and loves her   38   .

Knowing that she doesn’t have family in town, I   39   to give her a call. Sure enough, she was on B-shift,    40    to work late into the evening, and wouldn’t have  41     of a birthday this year. As always,    42   , she sounded cheerful and was happy that I   43   .

After I hung up, I couldn’t   44   the feeling that she would really appreciate a little attention on her special day.    45    feeling a little gloomy myself, I tried to put it out of my mind, but as the day passed I couldn’t shake the thought. I   46   gave in, and that evening set off to the hospital with a card, a cheese cake, and some balloons. My friend’s grateful smile and joyful surprise   47   me I’d done the right thing and were a generous   48   for the little effort it had taken.

When I got home, I realized that not only had I cheered up a   49   friend on her birthday, but my own gloomy feelings had also disappeared. Making her day had   50    my own!

Isn’t that the way it is   51   we take the time and make the   52   to do something for someone else? It’s like the little saying, “Loving kindness is twice blessed; it blesses him who gives, and him who   53   .”

Cheering up people on their birthdays isn’t the only thing we can do to make their day. Life constantly presents us with   54   to take an extra step or do a kind deed that will make a difference to   55   . And the wonderful thing is that as we do, it changes things for the better for us too.

36. A. positive                     B. special                            C. nervous                    D. proud

37. A. explained            B. remembered             C. complained        D. informed

38. A. family                B. training                    C. school                      D. work

39. A. continued            B. decided                    C. agreed                      D. refused

40. A. prepared             B.surprised                   C. disappointed             D. bored

41. A. little                   B. many                       C. much                       D. few

42. A. therefore             B. besides                     C. though                            D. otherwise

43. A. admitted             B. apologized                C. succeeded                 D. called

44. A. experience          B. shake                       C. imagine                    D. understand

45. A. Almost               B. Even                        C. Never                      D. Still

46. A. finally                B. luckily                            C. unhappily                 D. hardly

47. A. promised            B. advised                    C. convinced                 D. reminded

48. A. response             B. contribution              C. reward                            D. share

49. A. careless               B. curious                     C. weak                        D. lonely

50. A. troubled                     B. made                       C. wasted                            D. taken

51. A. why                   B. where                      C. when                       D. how

52. A. suggestion           B. friend                      C. call                          D. effort

53. A. tries                   B. receives                    C. expects                     D. cares

54. A. opportunities              B. dreams                    C. choices                     D. regrets

55.A. everyone             B. something                C. someone                   D. everything





C.我们中 * * 是一个包容性很强的民族,我们要学习各个国家的长处,就是和自己民族政见不一致的国家也应该对话与沟通,增进了解,学习其长处。

