








(1)见教材第9页第1段第2句 (2分)







【2011山东泰安】12.郭明义,“雷锋传人”,2010年度“感动中国”十大人物。郭明义16年来总额的一半给希望工程;无偿献血量相当于自身总血量的10倍;平日省吃俭用,却先后资助了180名贫困学生;给300多个困难家庭带来并报的希望……自己却过着清贫的生活,至今一家住着40平方米的一居室。郭明义的事迹表明①他具有强烈的社会责任感  ②积极承担责任赢得社会的承认和赞誉③人生的意义不在于索取,而在于奉献 ④实现人生价值不应追求个人利益A.②③④    B.①②④    C.①②③    D.①③④


Can 13-year-olds do something to change the world? Cris Kesz Valdez, 13, from the Philippines believes so.

At the age of 7, Valdez set up an organization to give homeless kids things like slippers and toothbrushes. So far he has helped more than 10,000 children improve their lives in his hometown.

Valdez won the 2012 International Children’s Peace Prize on September 19, 2012.

“My motto is ‘we can change the world one heart at a time,’ ” Valdez said at the award ceremony.

In fact, Valdez is a homeless kid himself. He looked for food from trash, lived on the streets and slept in a public cemetery for most of his childhood. His parents didn’t care about him and often beat him. Valdez said he felt he was living in “darkness” at that time.

But this “darkness” didn’t turn him into a dark person. Valdez got help from community workers. On his first birthday party, at the age of 7, Valdez decided what he wanted most was to help other children who were still living on the streets.

“I didn’t have a lot of money, but I had a lot of love to give,” Valdez explained.

That day was the birth of the organization, Championing Community Children. Since then, Valdez and his friends visit homeless children and hand out bags with slippers, toys and even candy. They nurse their wounds, teach them about their rights and offer them hope.

“I want children on the streets to get the same chance as I have,” he said.

小题1:Cris Kesz Valdez helped homeless kids in        .



C.the Philippines

D.Japan小题2:The prize Valdez won in September is called       .

A.the Laurens Prize

B.the International Children’s Peace Prize

C.the Pulitzer Prize

D.the Noble Prize小题3:What does the underlined word “darkness” in the passage mean?

A.Without any fire.

B.Without any family.

C.Without any food.

D.Without any light.小题4:It’s clear that       .

A.Valdez likes to sleep in public cemetery

B.Valdez has a lot of love and hope

C.Valdez still looks food from trash

D.Valdez’s parents love him very much小题5:According to the passage, we can know that        .

A.Valdez teaches homeless kids about their rights

B.all the homeless kids have a better life now

C.Valdez made a lot of money from the organization

D.Championing Community Children was founded in 2000
