
阅读下面短文,完成问题。 母亲河,你带走的是什么 ①“黄河流失的不是泥沙,而是





  ①“黄河流失的不是泥沙,而是中 * * 的血液。平均每年泥沙流失量高达16 亿吨,这不是微血管破裂,而是主动脉出血。”

  ②黄河是母亲河,孕育了中 * * 的古老文明。我们歌颂黄河,赞美黄河,岂能容忍有人这样“攻击”她!可是,我们不得不承认,美国朋友的这番话有一定道理。这难听的话刺到了我们的痛处。

  ③黄土高原曾经郁郁葱葱,黄河的水也曾经清澈碧绿。随着“坎坎”的伐木声,河畔的森林植被越来越少,河水由清变浊,由浊变黄,“一石水而六斗泥”,河改名叫黄河。黄土高原被人们无情地剥去外衣,裸露在风雨之中。近58 万平方公里,每年流失的表层土有0.2~0.7 厘米厚。若筑起高和宽均为1 米的土堤,至少可以从地球到月球一个来回,长期水土流失,使黄土高原支离破碎沟壑纵横。

  ④水土流失了,每年随之而去的氮、磷、钾约3000 万吨,相当于100 座年产30 万吨化肥厂产量的总和。在宁夏南部黄土高原区,每个劳动力耕种着比全国平均水平高出七倍以上的农田。他们早出晚归,累死累活,即便是苍天保佑,风调雨顺,一亩地才打三四十公斤粮,收二三十公斤油籽。

  ⑤“九曲黄河万里沙,浪淘风簸自天涯。”黄河浑浊不堪,因此有了“跳进黄河也洗不清”之说。黄河的年经流量为423 亿立方米,远比世界上的一些大河少,但平均含沙量为每立方米38 公斤,每年输沙量达16.4 亿吨,两项指标均高居世界各大河之首。黄河的流域面积不及密西西比河的1/4 ,但年输沙量却是密西西比河的5 倍。

  ⑥注入黄河的泥沙使黄河的河床每年增高5~10 厘米。在黄河下流的一些地区,河床已高出两岸十多米,成为一条空中“悬河”,真的如李白所说的那样,“黄河之水天上来”。多少年来,这条悬河成为架在人们头上的长剑,历史上曾发生过1500 多次大决口。黄河成为一条害河,人们望黄兴叹,谈黄色变。


  ⑧据研究,形成一厘米厚的表土,约需100 年到400 年时间,而若无植被的保护,风雨在短短的几个季度就可把这些沃土冲光。在这样的田野上,我们为子孙后代播种的是美好的希望吗?

1.为什么说“黄河流失的不是泥沙,而是中 * * 的血液”?


2.“黄土高原被人们无情地剥去外衣,裸露在风雨之中。”这句话运用         的修辞手法,其中“外衣”指的是__________________(用原文回答)










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(3)实验室加热高锰酸钾制取氧气(用排水法收集)的主要步骤有:①装入药品  ②检查气密性  ③收集气体  ④加热  ⑤停止加热  ⑥取出导气管,正确的操作顺序为______






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(3) 将有利于大部分数据查询和更新的索引设为 (6)


Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following interview.

M: When most couples marry, they may discuss some things in advance, like how many children they want or where they want to live, but most of the day-to-day details and problems of married life are worked out after marriage. Not so with Steve and Karen Parsons, who have a fifteen-page prenuptial agreement that states the rules they must follow in almost every aspect of their married life. Today, Karen is here with us Karen, first I’d like to ask you why you decided to write this agreement. You’ve both been married before, am I right

F: Yes. I’ve been married twice, and Steve was married once before. So we have some experience about what goes wrong in a marriage.

M: And that’s why you wrote this agreement

F: Yes, we found that many problems happen when a person has different expectations from his or her spouse. We wanted to talk about everything openly and honestly before we started living together. Also, we both know how important it is to respect each other’s quirks. We’re all bothered by things that seem small to someone else. Like, it used to really bother me when my ex-hushand left his dirty clothes on the floor, so we put that in the agreement: "Dirty clothing must be put in the laundry bag. " Now Steve knows what my expectations are.

M: I’m sure that some people hearing this report will think that this contract isn’t very romantic.

F: Well, we disagree. We think it’s very romantic. This agreement shows that we sat down and talked and really tried to understand the other person. A lot of problems occur in a marriage because people don’t talk about what they want That’s right. When we disagree about something, we work out a solution that’s good for both of us. I’d much rather do that than get some "romantic" gift like flowers or candy.

M: Some of these rules sound like, well, a business agreement. Many of your rules concern money in some way … even the rules about having children.

F: In our experience, disagreements about money can cause a lot of problems, so we talked about how we want to spend our money and put that in the agreement as well.

M:So, do you spend a lot of time checking on each other to see if the rules are being followed

F:No, not at all. And we don’t argue about them, either. As a matter of fact, I think we spend less time arguing than most couples because we both know what the other person expects. We can spend our time doing things we enjoy and just being with each other.

M: What happens if one of you breaks a rule

F: We don’t think that will be a problem, no Because we’ve agreed on these rules.

M:But what if, say, you don’t want to cook dinner one night What happens

F: Well, we’ll talk about it and reach a compromise. Maybe there’s a good reason.

M:But if you break a lot of rules, all the time …

F: Then we have to ask. Is this marriage really working Because if we can’t follow our own agreement, there’s no point in making it.

M: So it sounds like you two are happy with this agreement. Do you think other couples should follow your example, and write prenuptial agreements of their own

F:It’s a lot of work to write an agreement, but I think it could be useful to a lot of people. Maybe there would be fewer divorces if everyone did this.

Question No. 11 About which of the following topics is the woman being interviewed


A. The man has been married twice before.

B. The woman has remained single until now.

C. Both people are remarried this time.

D. Both people are first married this time.
