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Graduates from under-privileged backgrounds are to challenge the elitism of the barristers’ profession, under plans outlined today. Reforms aimed at challenging the dominance of the rich and privileged classes which are disproportionately represented among the membership of the Bar will tackle the decline in students from poorer backgrounds joining the profession. They include financial assistance as well as measures to end the "intimidating environment" of the barristers’ chambers which young lawyers must join if they want to train as advocates.
The increasing cost of the Bar and a perception that it is run by a social elite has halted progress in the greater inclusion of barristers from different backgrounds. A number of high- profile barristers, including the prime minister’s wife, Cherie Booth QC, have warned that without changes, the Bar will continue to be dominated by white, middle-class male lawyers.
In a speech to the Social Mobility Foundation think tank in London this afternoon, Geoffrey Vos QC, Bar Council chairman, will say. The Bar is a professional elite, by which I mean that the Bar’s membership includes the best-quality lawyers practicing advocacy and offering specialist legal advice in many specialist areas. That kind of elitism is meritocratic, and hence desirable.
"Unfortunately, however, the elitism which fosters the high-quality services that the Bar stands for has also encouraged another form of elitism. That is elitism in the sense of exclusivity, exclusion, and in the creation of a profession which is barely accessible to equally talented people from less privileged backgrounds."
Last month, Mr. Vos warned that the future of the barristers’ profession was threatened by an overemphasis on posh accents and public school education. Mr. Vos said then that people from ordinary backgrounds were often overlooked in favour of those who were from a "snobby" background. People from a privileged background were sometimes recruited even though they were not up to the job intellectually, he added. In his speech today, Mr. Vos will outline the "barriers to entry," to a career at the Bar and some of the ways in which these may be overcome.
The Bar Council has asked the law lord, Lord Neuberger of Abbotsbury, to examine how these barriers can be overcome, and he will publish his interim report and consultation paper before Easter. He is expected to propose a placement programme to enable gifted children from state schools to learn about the Bar, the courts and barristers at first hand.
The Bar Council is also working towards putting together a new package of bank loans on favourable terms to allow young, aspiring barristers from poorer backgrounds to finance the Bar vocational course year and then have the financial ability to establish themselves in practice before they need to repay.
These loans would be available alongside the Inns of Court’s scholarship and awards programmes. Mr. Vos will say today: "I passionately believe that the professions in general, and the Bar in particular, must be accessible to the most able candidates from any background, whatever their race, gender, or socioeconomic group. The Bar has done well in attracting good proportions of women and racial minorities and we must be as positive in attracting people from all socioeconomic backgrounds.\

What is the "elitism of the barristers’ profession" in the United Kingdom


登明纸制品有限责任公司是M市的一家大型办公制品生产企业。由于公司决策者善于把握市场动向,短短几年内盈利不断增加。经股东会批准,该公司决定投资50万元人民币设立一家印刷厂,实现产业化经营的目标。岳某知悉此事后表示愿出资40万元,与登明公司一起设立合伙形式的印刷厂。鄂某曾经在M市开设一家小型印刷作坊,掌握了较高的印刷技术,获悉登明公司有意投资印刷厂之后,提出愿以自己的劳务作价出资10万元,以其掌握的一项专利出资10万元,担任公司的有限合伙人。杨某也表达了投资意愿,,出资20万元参与合伙企业。四方很快达成一致,并按照上述条件签订了合伙协议,约定由登明纸质品厂负责联络客户和开拓市场,岳某担任厂长, 负责经营管理及日常事务,鄂某负责技术研发及质量监管。
样。由于四方的密切合作,宏墨印刷厂在极短时间内取得了很好的经营业绩。7月11日,岳某与该市相宜商场就一批彩页宣传广告的制造合同进行商谈,但登明纸制品厂对此合同计划提出了异议,认为约定的价格过低,要求其立即停止磋商。但岳某并未接受这一要求,造成其他两方的严重不满。7月30日,岳某之前因购买汽车向市建设银行借贷的一笔 50万元的按揭贷款已后清偿期,但暂时没有足够的流动资金偿还。市建设银行屡次催缴无果,遂要求岳某以其在宏墨印刷厂的份额抵偿债务。登明纸制品厂和鄂某均表示反对。 8月22日,鄂某欲向苏某贷款8万元,欲以其在宏墨印刷厂中的份额作为质押。登明纸制品厂表示同意,但岳某坚决反对。鄂某不顾岳某的反对,与并不知情的苏某签订了质押借款合同,结果到期后无法还债。
