
申请专利的发明创造,在申请日前6个月内,( ),不丧失新颖性。A.在中国政府承认的



申请专利的发明创造,在申请日前6个月内,( ),不丧失新颖性。






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参考答案:A解析: 本题考查抗寄生虫药物的临床应用。 氯喹适用于肠外阿米巴病,如肠外阿米巴肝,肺脓肿等。常用于对甲硝唑无效或禁忌的病人。替硝唑对阿米巴痢疾和肠外阿米巴病的疗效与甲硝唑相当,但毒性...


从1990年到2006年,俄罗斯的尤里一列瓦达咨询分析中心就“十月革命给俄罗斯人带来什么?”作了4次咨询调查。分析下表所示调查结果,可以看出十几年来俄罗斯民众(   )

①一直十分推崇十月革命                    ②对十月革命存在多元化看法

③对十月革命的看法基本稳定                ④对十月革命的正面评价呈上升趋势






Tuning in round the clock, via satellite or internet blog, to any bout of mayhem anywhere, you might not think the world was becoming a more peaceable place. But in some ways it is, and measurably so. A recent Human Security Report released by the Liu Institute at the University of British Columbia registers a 40% drop in the number of armed conflicts between 1992 and 2003, with the worst wars, those claiming more than a thousand lives in battle, down by 80%. While 28 armed struggles for self-determination ignited or reignited between 1991 and 2004, an encouraging 43 others were contained or doused.

Yet measured in a different way, from the point of view of the half of the world’s population that is female, argues the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of the Armed Forces, the world is an awfully violent place, and not just in its war zones. Men still fill most of the body bags in wartime, including in civil wars, even on DCAF’s figures, but their sisters, mothers, wives and daughters, it argues in a new report entitled "Women in an Insecure World", face nothing short of a "hidden gendercide".

Violence against women is nothing new. DCAF’s contribution is to collate the many figures and estimates—not all of them easily verifiable, it has to be said—on everything from infanticide to rape (in both war and peace), dowry deaths, sex trafficking and domestic violence (in richer countries as well as poorer ones).

According to one UN estimate cited by DCAF, between 113m and 200m women are now demographically "missing". This gender gap is a result of the aborting of girl foetuses and infanticide in countries where boys are preferred; lack of food and medical attention that goes instead to brothers, fathers, husbands and sons; so-called "honour killings" and dowry deaths; and other sorts of domestic violence. It implies that each year between 1.5m and 3m women and girls are lost to gender-based violence. In other words, every two to four years the world looks away from a victim count on the scale of Hitler’s Holocaust. Women between the ages of 15 and 44 are more likely to be maimed or die from violence inflicted one way or another by their menfolk than through cancer, malaria, traffic accidents or war combined. Poor health care means that 600,000 women are lost each year to childbirth (a toll roughly equal annually to that of the Rwandan genocide). The World Health Organisation estimates that 6,000 girls a day (more than 2m a year), mostly in the poor world, undergo genital mutilation. Other WHO figures suggest that, around the world, one woman in five is likely to be a victim of rape or attempted rape in her lifetime.

The word "contained" in the last sentence of the first paragraph most probably means()

A. involved

B. checked

C. embraced

D. included
