
明清之际的思想批判包含有哪些内容?各具有哪些进步意义? ____________






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参考答案:A, C, D解析:场地建设前,施工单位应将梁场布置方案报监理工程师审批,方案内容应包含各类型梁板的台座数量、模板数量、生产能力、存梁区布置及最大存梁能力等。各项目预制场应统筹设置,建设规模和...

     A mother and daughter living in my communlty are two of the most unfriendly people I have ever come
across in my life. They are totally separated, mixing with   1  . As they drive past   2   they keep their eyes
looking away and make no sign of acknowledgement. The only fame they have is making a nuisance (讨厌
的人) of themselves to the local police station by   3   music played too loud, dogs barking more than once
a day and any other petty   4   gripe (把柄).
     On moving into this neighborhood, I was   5   of these two but decided I would make up my own mind.
This proved qulte a   6   to me as more than once either the mother or the daughter would knock on my door
and blast (猛烈抨击) me with some   7   or other.
     I   8   answered politely and made sure I   9   as they went past my place and also made the effort now
and then to make a kind remark about their garden or pets.
     Time passed and in October, as part of the kindness rock give (送爱心石活动), Maureen and I  10  to
place a kindness rock in their garden. Their  11  remained unchanged, however, and I continued to be as
friendly as possible. During the Easter give, we decided once again to  12  these two unhappy ladies to our
list and left a packet of cookies on their  13 . Imagine my  14  when two days later they  15  at my gate and
jokingly said they are considering hanging their christmas stocking on their gate, and they  16  me a bunch
of flowers!
     So, my fellow gifters, do not  17  on your random gifts of kindness. You may never know iust what this
  18  to others, nor how many broken or  19  hearted people you may just change with a simple act of  20 .
( )1.A. nobody     
( )2.A. ladies      
( )3.A. composing   
( )4.A. important  
( )5.A. accused     
( )6.A. challenge   
( )7.A. jokes       
( )8.A. seldom      
( )9.A. waved       
( )10.A. started     
( )11.A. smile      
( )12.A. add         
( )13.A. place      
( )14.A. interest     
( )15.A. whispered    
( )16.A. brought   
( )17.A. take in       
( )18.A. refers      
( )19.A. kind         
( )20.A. sorrow     
B. someone    
B. neighbors  
B. requesting 
B. easy        
B. warned     
B. job        
B. advice     
B. never      
B. stared     
B. continued  
B. attitude   
B. recommend     
B. roof       
B. smile       
B. stopped    
B. wished     
B. take up    
B means       
B. light       
B. hope       
C. anyone      
C. friends     
C. reporting   
C interesting  
C. reminded    
C. task        
C. explanation 
C. always      
C. noticed     
C. mentioned   
C. decision    
C. reduced     
C. gate        
C. surprise    
C. shouted     
C. threw       
C. give in     
C. relates     
C. hard        
C. imagination      
D. nothing     
D. relatives    
D. getting     
D. little       
D. convinced   
D. matter      
D. complaint   
D. sometimes             
D. laughed     
D. decided     
D. anger       
D. drove       
D. fence       
D. face        
D. wandered    
D. expected    
D. give up     
D. contributes 
D. wam          
D. kindness    

砥砺九十载,幸福亿万人。2011年是伟大的中 * * 党诞生90周年。回望这波澜壮阔的90年,党带领全国各族人民,披荆斩棘、艰苦奋斗、开拓创新,不仅使中国人民“站起来”,而且使中国人民“富起来”、“强起来”,创造了一个又一个令世人瞩目的奇迹、这表明()。

A.中 * * 党始终代表最广大人民的根本利益

B.中 * * 党是执政党,坚持以人为本、执政为民

C.中 * * 党始终坚持全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标

D.中 * * 党是社会主义事业的领导核心
