
得到必要的资源并获得处理机的进程,其状态是( )。A.就绪态 B.执行态 C.阻塞



得到必要的资源并获得处理机的进程,其状态是( )。







解析: 进程的动态性表明进程在其生存期内需要经历一系列的离散状态。运行中的进程可以处于以下3种状态之一:运行、就绪、等待。其中运行状态是指进程获得CPU,并且在CPU上执行的状态。就绪状态是指一个进程已经具备运行条件。但由于没有获得CPU而不能运行所处的状态。等待状态是指进程因等待某种事件发生而暂时不能运行的状态。


     I believe in my mother. My belief began when I was a kid, when I   1   becoming a doctor.
     My mother was a   2  . Through her work, she observed that   3   people spent a lot more time   4  
than they did watching television. She announced that my brother and I could only watch two or three   5   TV programs during the week. With our free time, we had to read two books each week from the Detroit Public Library and   6   written book report to her. She would mark them up with check marks and   7  
the important parts. Years later we realized it was a   8   to see her marks on our written book reports.
Mother was actually illiterate (文盲). Although we had no money,   9   the covers of those books, I could go anywhere, do anything and be anybody. 
     When I entered high school I was an A-student, but not for   10  . I wanted the fancy clothes. I wanted to hang about with the guys. I went from an A-student to a B-student and to a C-student, but I didn’t 
  11  . I was cool. 
     One night my mother came home after her several jobs and I   12   about not having enough Italian knit shirts. She said, “Okay, I’ll give you the money I   13   this week by rubbing floors and cleaning bathrooms, and you can buy the family food and pay the bills. With   14   left over, you can have all that you want.” I was very   15   with that arrangement. But once I got through   16   money, there was nothing left. I realized my mother was a financial genius to be able to keep a(n)   17   over our heads and any kind of food on
the table. I was also   18   that immediate satisfaction didn’t get me anywhere. Success   19   intellectual
preparation. I went back to my studies and became a A-student again, and   20   I realized my dream and I became a doctor.

( )1.A. contributed to
( )2.A. maidservant
( )3.A. honest
( )4.A. writing  
( )5.A. familiar
( )6.A. hand in  
( )7.A. point  
( )8.A. wealth
( )9.A. between  
( )10.A. the last
( )11.A. know  
( )12.A. announced
( )13.A. borrow  
( )14.A. something
( )15.A. encouraged
( )16.A. adding
( )17.A. windows
( )18.A. aware
( )19.A. included
( )20.A. actually
B. apply to
B. teacher
B. successful
B. reading
B. creative
B. take in
B. underline
B. trick
B. under
B. a minute
B. care
B. claimed
B. make
B. everything
B. puzzled
B. applying
B. wall  
B. worried
B. required
B. shortly  
C. dreamed of
C. doctor
C. ambitious
C. working
C. designed
C. bring in
C. ignore
C. pleasure
C. within
C. long  
C. admit
C. complained
C. control
C. anything
C. moved
C. dividing
C. house
C. confused
C. combined
C. fortunately
D. approved of
D. nurse      
D. careful  
D. teaching    
D. selected    
D. check in    
D. drop        
D. harvest    
D. below      
D. anything  
D. realize    
D. blamed      
D. collect    
D. nothing    
D. pleased    
D. exchanging  
D. roof      
D. delighted
D. matched    
D. finally  

伍清是A市F区人,于1997年与A市H区人王红登记结婚,二人婚后居住在A市Z区。 2000年3月,王红因盗窃罪被判处有期徒刑5年,在A市W区服刑。2002年6月,伍清以感情不和为由起诉离婚。二人没有子女。一审法院受理后,经审理判决双方离婚,并对夫妻共同财产进行了分配。王红收到离婚判决书后,在法定期限内向A市中级人民法院提出了上诉,对财产分配判决不服;并提出伍清占有一套属于她的名贵瓷器,该瓷器是王红祖父指名赠与她的,要求伍清归还。A市中院经审查受理了王红的上诉请求。下列关于上诉这一民事诉讼程序的表述中正确的是:




