
依据《工程监理企业资质管理规定》,乙级工程监理企业可以监理经核定的工程类别中的( )



依据《工程监理企业资质管理规定》,乙级工程监理企业可以监理经核定的工程类别中的( )工程。







解析: 根据《工程监理企业资质管理规定》第8条,甲级工程监理企业可以监理经核定的工程类别中一、二、三等工程;乙级工程监理企业可以监理经核定的工程类别中二、三等工程;丙级工程监理企业可以监理经核定的工程类别中三等工程。


Every family with kids has seen its share of arguments, shouting and complaining. It turns out that all those conflicts serve an important purpose in the development of children . Saying “no” followed by a bad temper, just may be an unavoidable part of growing up. And that’s a good thing. These are the first steps toward independence. Even young children have to challenge their parents sometimes. Studies have shown the following:

·Although stressful, conflicts are beneficial for children.

·Learning to manage conflicts is necessary for a child’s development.

·Conflicts during the preschool years occur because children desire even more attention than parents can or should give.

If you understand why conflicts occur, it can minimize the conflicts between you and your children. Conflict is a child’s attempt to develop a sense of self and how he or she learns to express his or her needs and ideas. Parents develop and drive this independence by putting children to the outside world both formally and informally.

Conflicts can grow out of a difference of opinion or might just be a way to blow off steam(发脾气) . In rare situations, constant conflicts between parents and children can indicate a deeper emotional problem. Consult your doctor if this seems to be your situation.

It’s important to offer your child choices, which should be determined by age and developmental level. The more responsible a child is, the more choices he or she gets in reward. You can threaten your child with punishment, but often offering a choice will better improve angry situations. Consequences and rewards should have some meaning to your child.

Often a child’s adverse(敌对的)reaction when he or she hears the word “no” can be avoided by giving the child an explanation as to why you have refused his or her request.

60. Why does the author think conflicts are good?

A. It’s a sign that children are trying to be independent.

B. Children can learn to control the bad temper.

C. This can develop a better way of communication.

D. It can improve the relationship between parents and children.

61. A 3-year-old boy challenges his parents angrily, according to studies, because he may          ,

A. feel being ignored by his parents.

B. get tired of being looked after by his parents.

C. want to stay with his parents at any time.

D. be blamed by his parents for his faults.

62. In most cases , the conflicts between parents and their children      .

A. lead to more misunderstandings                       B. don’t hurt feelings

C. are highly valued by parents                                 D. involve visiting doctors

63. What can be concluded from the passage?

A. Children understand what their parents think of clearly.

B. Children enjoy giving their opinions by conflicting with their parents.

C. Most parents would rather punish their children than reward them.

D. Communication can reduce conflicts between parents and children.


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