
老年人每天每千克体重蛋白质的摄入量应达到() A.0.8g B.1.0g C.1.2










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     Some years ago on a hot summer day in south Florida a little boy decided to go for a swim in the old

swimming hole behind his house. In a hurry to dive into the cool water, he ran out of the back door, leaving

behind shoes, socks, and shirt as he went.

     He flew into the water, not realizing that as he swam toward the middle of the lake, a crocodile was

swimming toward him. His mother in the house was looking out of the window and saw the two. In great

fear, she ran toward the water, shouting to her son as loudly as she could. Hearing her voice, the little boy

became alarmed and made a U-turn to swim to his mother. It was too late. Just as he reached her, the

crocodile reached him. From the shore, the mother grabbed her little boy by the arms just as the crocodile

snatched his legs. That began an incredible tug-of-war between the two. The crocodile was much stronger

than the mother, but the mother was much too passionate to let go. A farmer happened to drive by, heard

their screams, raced from his truck, took aim and shot the crocodile.

     Remarkably, after weeks and weeks in the hospital, the little boy survived. His legs were extremely

scarred by the attack of the animal. And, on his arms, were deep scratches where his mother's fingernails

dug into his flesh in her effort to hang on to the son she loved.

     The newspaper reporter, who interviewed the boy, asked if he would show him his scars. The boy lifted

his legs. And then, with obvious pride, he said to the reporter, "But look at my arms. I have great scars on

my arms, too. I have them because my Mom wouldn't let go."

     Never judge another person's scars, because you don't know how they were made.

1. Which of the following will be the best title for the text? [ ]

A. Scars of Love

B. A Brave Mother

C. A Terrible Experience

D. Don't Judge by Appearance

2. Hearing Mother's shouts, the boy _____. [ ]

A. remained in the middle at a loss

B. didn't stop swimming forwards

C. swam back towards the shore

D. was ready to fight the crocodile

3. Which of the following statements is True according to the text? [ ]

A. A crocodile attacked him when the boy and his mother were swimming.

B. The crocodile bit the arms of the boy when it reached him.

C. There is always an interesting story behind every scar.

D. It was the farmer who shot the crocodile.

4. By saying "But look at my arms. I have great scars on my arms, too" in paragraph 4, the boy really wants

to show _____. [ ]

A. how deep the scars were

B. what a brave boy he was

C. how great and beloved his mother was

D. how many scars and scratches he had


结合材料回答问题:  材料1  小学老师雷夫.爱斯基斯在其所著的热门教育畅销书《第56号教室的奇迹》中讲过这样一个故事:  一位从事特殊教育的优秀教师获得一个宝贵的签名球,上面有美国著名棒球队--红袜队1967年全体队员的签名,这些球员都是他的偶像,对这样一 个签名球,这位教师别提有多珍爱了。当年幼的儿子找他一起玩球时,他理所当然地警告儿子:绝对不能拿签名球来玩。儿子问他理由时,他觉得儿子还太小,对球 和球员一无所知,说多了儿子也不会明白,于是,他没有解释原委,只对儿子说,不能用那颗球,是因为"球上写满了字"。  过了几天,儿子又找他一起玩球,当老爸再次提醒儿子不要拿写满字的球来玩时,小男孩满不在乎说:我已经把问题解决了,爸爸问怎么回事,儿子说: 我把球上所有的字都擦掉了。老爸气的想痛打儿子,但他转念一想,觉得儿子根本没有做错事。因为自己并没有告诉儿子上面的字有什么意义。从那天起,他无论去 什么地方,都带着那颗空白的签名球。这颗球提醒他,不管是教导学生还是子女,一定要时时从孩子的角度去看事情。  不论家长还是教师,常常用成人的眼光看待孩子,用成人的思维理解孩子,用成人的保准要求孩子。岂不知,从孩子的角度看事情,用孩子的眼睛看世界,正是儿童教育应当遵循的基本规律。  摘编自《人民日报》(2012年3月16日)  材料2  某大学一研究生凭借着设计"醒目药瓶",摘得了素有"设计界奥斯卡"美誉的2011年度"国际红点奖"概念设计类奖。  在他提供的设计图上,常见的塑料瓶盖的顶上一圈变身为一块圆圆的玻璃。"这是一面凹凸镜,有放大的功能"。他解释说,有了这个药瓶盖,老年人不 需要带上老花镜来区别药的类别、服用量等。他的灵感来源于生活中对中老年人群体的关注。有一天,有位老人要吃药,可是药瓶上的字太小了,原本挂在脖子上的 老花镜却不见了,急的这位老人团团转。就这样,该同学很长一段时间沉浸在老人世界中。突然有一天灵感迸发,想到"醒目药瓶"这个点子。  有了灵感后,从设计,带写英文翻译说明,再到制作动画,一共才三天时间。也许有人要问,这样的设计看上去很简单,为什么能拿"国际红点奖"呢? 他坦然,设计很简单,关键在于设计前把自己想象成老人,这一设计胜在实用。按照测算,不会给药品本身带来额外的成本,推广起来很容易,实用方便。"希望将 来这款设计能推向市场,让更多人得到帮助。"  这位研究生说他没有想当名人的"野心"。只期望能从生活中的小处入手,用自己的设计改变生活,让生活更加美好。正如"红点" * * PeterZec博士在颁奖晚会上说的那样:从同学们优秀的设计中,他高兴地看到的是他们所描绘的未来更加美好的世界。

