



在联合测试(又称为组装测试)中若为每一个被测试的模块设计一个驱动模块和桩模块,则其采取的测试方法是( )






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     Mr. Green and his wife had a dog. When they went out, they always left the dog inside the house. One

evening they wanted to go to the cinema, so they left the dog in the house and locked the door and their

garden gate. They went off in their car.

     When the film was finished, they went home. They opened the gate and put the car away. When they

came to the front door, they found that the glass in the door was broken. The door was not locked and it

was open. A robber! They went in and quickly looked in all the rooms to see if the robber had taken their

things. However, everything was in the right place and nothing at all was missing.

     The dog was sleeping in the sitting-room. The wife was angry with the dog."Why didn't you guard (保卫)

the house?"she said. The dog was pleased to see Mr. and Mrs. Green. It began to wag (摇) its tail and then it

went to a comer of the room and picked up something in its mouth. It went to the wife and dropped the thing

at her feet. When she went to pick it up, she was very surprised. Can you guess what the dog's present was?

It was a man's finger!

     The end of the story is this. Mr. Green telephoned the police and told them everything. Three days later the

police caught the robber. They found him easily.

1. That evening Mr. Green and his wife __________.

A. took their dog to see a film

B. left the dog alone at home

C. went home before the film was finished

D. locked the door and could not open it

2. The robber stole (偷) __________.

A. everything from the house

B. something expensive from the house

C. nothing from the house

D. a car from the house

3. Why was the woman angry with the dog?

A. Because she thought it had made the room dirty.

B. Because she thought it had broken the glass.

C. Because it wouldn't go to the cinema with her.

D. Because she thought it hadn't guarded the house.

4. The robber was caught easily because __________.

A. the police knew him

B. the police happened to meet him

C. Mr. Green know where he lived

D. he had one of his fingers

5. Mr. Green and his wife would __________.

A. like their dog more than before

B. drive the dog away from their home

C. let the dog bring home more presents

D. ask the police to take the dog away


(三)  背景资料:某公司承担一机电改建工程,工程量主要为新建4台5000m3原油罐及部分管线,更换2台重356t、高45m的反应器,反应器施工方法为分段吊装组焊。  针对作业活动,项目部风险管理小组对风险进行了识别和评价,确定了火灾、触电、机械伤害、窒息或中毒、焊接、应急响应等为重大风险。建 设工 程 教育网  在储罐防腐施工中,因油漆工缺员,临时从敷设电缆的外雇工中抽出两人进行油漆调和作业,其中一人违反规定,自带火种,在调和油漆时,引发一桶稀释剂着火将其本人烧伤,项目部立即启动应急预案,对他进行救护,并送往医院住院治疗。  项目部和该工人订立的劳务合同规定,因本人违反操作规程或安全规定而发生事故的责任自负,因此,事发当日,项目部将该名工人除名,并让其自行支付所有医药费用。项目部认为该名工人不属于本企业正式员工,故对该事件不作为事故进行调查和处理。  罐区主体工程完成后,消防系统的工程除了消防泵未安装外,其余报警装置已调试完,消防管线试压合格,业主决定投用4台原油罐,为了保证安全,购买一批干粉消防器材放在罐区作为火灾应急使用。  问题: 

