
十二经筋的循行走向() A.均从四肢末端走向头身 B.主要行于体表 C.不入内脏 D










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Allen: I’ve never been a big fan of the bears, especially the vacation show. On my last trip to Disneyland(1999) we passed it by, because we didn’t want to spend the time on something we didn’t really enjoy. If we’d known it would be closed by our next visit, I’m sure we would have watched it one more time. I was just making the point that it wasn’t until Disney announced the closing that this feeling suddenly sprang(弹跳) up for the Country Bear show at Disneyland.
But I think the idea of keeping some attractions open forever regardless of the number of visitors it gets is a mistake. We all have great memories of the Bears, but clearly very few kids today (or I should say families today) are making those same memories from this show. That may be a sad fact, but it’s a fact. For whatever reason, the show doesn’t pull in the numbers. Isn’t it right to use the Country Bear space to bring in more popular attraction so that more kids today can make those magic memories of an attraction they like Otherwise aren’t we just telling the kids today that they "have to" make great memories of the Bears, when it’s obvious that the kids themselves are not enjoying the Bears as we did
Roger: I am very disappointed that they have decided to retire the Country Bear Playhouse. I remember going to the show as a child, and still enjoying it as a teenager, and now as a young adult. It is true that there aren’t a lot of shows left at DL and with this one closing even less. Being at DL does require a lot of walking, and it is nice to have an attraction that is a place to sit and enjoy a good show. I understand that DL has to develop, but there has to be some history to the Disneyland that Walt Disney first designed. There should be some parts of DL that just never go away and this is one of them. By the time I have children it looks like there won’t be any attractions that I can say. I went as a child at the rate they are going.
Now the Bears are leaving. What I want to say is: stop trying to compete with everyone! DL is the best, because of attractions like the Country-Bears. If DL insists on destroying all of its magic to make way for the latest, well, then it might as well be just another theme park.

What news might get people talking about the problem of the Country Bears

A.The Country Bear Playhouse will be closed.

B.There will be a new attraction for our guests at Disneyland.

C.The number of visitors to the Country Bear Playhouse is falling.

D.The Bears will retire because of old age and can’t give shows any mor



材料一 秦已并天下,乃使蒙恬将三十万众北逐戎狄,收河南。筑长城,因地形,用制险塞。起临洮,至辽东,延袤万余里。……太史公曰:夫秦之初灭诸侯,天下之心未定,痍伤者未痊,而恬为名将,不以此时强谏,振百姓之急,养老存孤,而阿意兴功,此其兄弟遇诛,不亦宜乎?


材料二 秦筑长城以来,汉、唐、宋常修理,其时岂无边患?……可见守国之道,惟在修德安民。民心悦则邦本得,而边境自固,所谓‘众志成城’者是也。如古北、喜峰口一带,朕皆巡阅,概多损坏,今欲修之,兴工劳役,岂能无害百姓?


材料三  始皇虽无道,而长城之有功于后世,实与大禹之治水等。由今观之,倘无长城之捍卫,则中国之亡于北狄,不待宋明而在楚汉时代矣。……而当时之筑长城者,只为保其一姓之私、子孙帝皇万世之业耳,而未尝知其收效之广且远也。





