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苏明娟在“希望工程”的帮助下,顺利地读完了小学、中学,并于2002年秋季考入安徽大学。她在入学两个月后就宣布:请求中止“希望工程”对自己的资助,因为她已经是一名大学生了,可以凭自己的能力支持自己完成学业。这说明苏明娟[     ]










关于对待毛 * * 思想的态度的材料:
[材料1]“凡是毛 * * 作出的决策,我们都坚决维护,凡是毛 * * 的指示,我们都始终不渝地遵循。”
[材料2]“有些同志说,我们只拥护‘正确的毛 * * 思想’,而不拥护‘错误的毛 * * 思想’,这种说法也是错误的。”
                                        ——摘自《邓 * * 文选》第二卷
[材料3]“三中全会以后,我们就是恢复毛 * * 同志的那些正确的东西嘛,就是准确地、完整地学习和运用毛 * * 思想嘛。基本点还是那些,从许多方面来说,现在我们还是把毛 * * 同志已经提出,但没有做的事情做起来,把他反对错了的改正过来,把他没有做好的事情做好。今后相当长的时期,还是做这件事。当然,我们也有发展,而且还要继续发展。”
                                        ——摘自《邓 * * 文选》第二卷

根据材料1指出对待毛 * * 思想的一种态度。


An analysis of workplace trends shows that employee perks, a reliable indicator of job market strength, are beginning to make a comeback. While not as Extravagant as those offered in the late 1990s, companies clearly are shifting their focus from workforce reduction to workforce retention. Firms realize that they require a foundation of experienced, trained, and motivated workers. These employers are improving and/ or adding perks to prevent an exodus of workers that could occur as the economy continues improving. They also may be looking further down the road when severe labor shortages are expected to return.

An analysis of perks offered in today’s workplace shows that many of the 1990s-style benefits, such as game rooms and luxury car leases, have been abandoned. The perks that remain popular with employers and employees are those that help workers stay healthy, career focused, and financially stable. Perhaps the most appreciated are those that help individuals maintain work-life balance.

Work-life balance is just one part of the growing concern companies have about the overall emotional and physical health of their workers. Employees who are stressed out or depressed because they do not feel as if they are giving enough attention to the nonwork aspects of their lives ultimately are unproductive. More and more companies also are learning that workers desire the opportunity to grow professionally in the workplace. HewlettPackard, for instance, has boosted its employee education and development budget by 20%.

Nationwide Insurance, based in Columbus, Ohio, established a career-planning website in 2003. The site provides information on company job opportunities, career development, and an in-house mentoring program. Nationwide also is helping to educate its employees in financial matters, acknowledging that workers distracted by such issues on the job are not giving their full attention to the company’s priorities. It is adding classes and seminars on personal finance issues and 401(k) investments.

Sometimes perks simply are about keeping employee morale elevated. Knowing that an improving economy might prompt valued employees to seek new opportunities, the owner of Ticketcity. com has lavished his best performers with tickets to the Masters golf tournament (锦标赛), access to country clubs, and invitations to a management retreat in Sedona, Ariz.

Moreover, even companies that cannot afford to institute costly perks can find ways to make sure current employees are happy. Doug Dorman, vice president of human resources for the Greenville (S.C.) Hospital System explains that there is a definite sense of urgency when it comes to employee retention, knowing that labor shortages are returning. Dorman notes, however, that they have not focused on perks, "but rather on creating a culture of recognition and appreciation. Employees stay when they have good two-way communication with management and are truly appreciated and recognized for their contributions.

Which of the following perks is out-of-date today()

A. a workshop on the recent stock market

B. an expensive car room that can be used at a relatively low rent

C. a vacation to a beautiful scenic spot for relaxation

D. a training on the expertise which may lead to promotion in career
