
读“某地区等高线地图”,完成下列问题。 (1)1999年9月21日D处发生里氏









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材料一 危机之初,美国胡佛政府实行自由放任的思想,对经济采取不干预政策,认为危机很快就会过去。但事与愿违,大萧条日益加剧。严酷的事实表明,自由放任已经不符合时代的要求。胡佛政府的范围及措施的核心是以维护自由放任原则为前提,倡导地方团体推行“自愿联合政策”。虽然迫不得已他也曾“干预”经济,比如提出了复兴计划大纲,建立了复兴金融公司,扩充了农业信贷银行等,但他坚决反对联邦政府出面大规模干预经济,强调不能靠立法和行政命令来解决危机中的问题,坚决避免“极权主义”。


材料二 从3月9号制定出《紧急银行法》,到6月16号通过《全国工业复兴法》,在这100天当中,罗斯福总统顶着狂风暴雨前进,一天天显示出他无穷的智慧和无限的精力。到国会议员们宣告休会那天,罗斯福已经发表了十次重要演说,制定了新的外交政策,建立了每周举行记者招待会和内阁会议各两次惯例;宣布了废除金本位制,向国会提出了15篇咨文;指引议员们通过了13个重要法案,其中包括对一切银行存款实行保险,对抵押住宅者发放贷款,对华尔街金融市场进行改革,拨发40亿元作为联邦救济金,准许公开经营啤酒,以及成立民间资源保护队等一系列法令。







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In order to understand, however imperfectly, what is meant by "face", we must take (1) of the fact that, as a race, the Chinese have a ply (2) instinct. The theatre may almost be said to be the only national amusement, and the Chinese have for theatricals a (3) like that of the Englishman (4) athletics, or the Spaniard for bull-fights. Upon very slight provocation, any Chinese regards himself in the (5) of an actor in a drama. He throws himself into theatrical attitudes, performs the salaam, falls upon his knees, prostrates himself and strikes his head upon the earth, (6) circumstances which to an Occidental seem to make such actions superfluous, (7) to say ridiculous. A Chinese thinks in theatrical terms. When roused in self-defense he addresses two or three persons as if they were a multitude. He exclaims: "I say this in the presence of You, and You, and You, who are all here present. " If his troubles are adjusted he (8) of himself as having "got off the stage" with credit, and if they are not adjusted he finds no way to "retire from the stage". All this, (9) it clearly understood, has nothing to do with realities. The question is never of facts, but always of (10) . If a fine speech has been (11) at the proper time and in the proper way, the requirement of the play is met. We are not to go behind the scenes, for that would (12) all the plays in the world. Properly to execute acts like these in all the complex relations of life, is to have "face". To fail them, to ignore them, to be thwarted in the performance of them, this is to " (13) face". Once rightly apprehended, "face" will be found to be in itself a (14) to the combination lock of many of the most important characteristics of the Chinese.

It should be added that the principles which regulate "face" and its attainment are often wholly (15) the intellectual apprehension of the Occidental, who is constantly forgetting the theatrical element, and wandering (16) into the irrelevant regions of fact. To him it often seems that Chinese "face" is not unlike the South Sea Island taboo, a force of undeniable potency, but capricious, and not reducible to rule, deserving only to be abolished and replaced by common sense. At this point Chinese and Occidentals must agree to (17) , for they can never be brought to view the same things in the same light. In the adjustment of the incessant quarrels which distract every hamlet, it is necessary for the "peace-talkers" to take a careful account of the (18) of "face" as European statesmen once did of the balance of power. The object in such cases is not the execution of even-handed justice, which, even if theoretically desirable, seldom (19) to an Oriental as a possibility, but such an arrangement as will distribute to all concerned "face" in due proportions. The same principle often applies in the settlement of lawsuits, a very large percentage of which end in what may be called a (20) game.





